

  1. Guiding cynosure: 引导之星
  2. Cultural cynosure: 文化焦点
  3. Celestial cynosure: 天空的指南针
  4. cynosure of attention: 注意的焦点
  5. cynosure of admiration: 赞赏的焦点
  6. Fashion cynosure: 时尚焦点
  7. cynosure of the media: 媒体的焦点
  8. cynosure of the crowd: 人群的焦点
  9. cynosure of success: 成功的焦点
  10. cynosure of beauty: 美的焦点
  11. cynosure of excellence: 卓越的焦点
  12. cynosure of inspiration: 灵感的焦点
  13. cynosure of the industry: 行业的焦点
  14. cynosure of innovation: 创新的焦点
  15. cynosure of talent: 人才的焦点
  16. cynosure of discussion: 讨论的焦点
  17. cynosure of controversy: 争议的焦点
  18. cynosure of curiosity: 好奇的焦点
  19. cynosure of influence: 影响力的焦点
  20. cynosure of aspiration: 渴望的焦点
  21. cynosure of recognition: 认可的焦点
  22. cynosure of achievement: 成就的焦点
  23. cynosure of admiration: 赞赏的焦点
  24. cynosure of the stage: 舞台的焦点
  25. cynosure of the runway: T台的焦点
  26. cynosure of the art world: 艺术界的焦点
  27. cynosure of the literary world: 文学界的焦点
  28. cynosure of the academic world: 学术界的焦点
  29. cynosure of the political arena: 政治舞台的焦点
  30. cynosure of the sports world: 体育界的焦点
  31. cynosure of the business world: 商界的焦点
  32. cynosure of the entertainment industry: 娱乐业的焦点
  33. cynosure of public opinion: 公众舆论的焦点
  34. cynosure of the fashion industry: 时尚业的焦点
  35. cynosure of the music scene: 音乐界的焦点
  36. cynosure of the film industry: 电影业的焦点
  37. cynosure of the tech world: 科技界的焦点
  38. cynosure of the social media: 社交媒体的焦点
  39. cynosure of the educational field: 教育领域的焦点
  40. cynosure of the scientific community: 科学界的焦点
  41. cynosure of the medical world: 医学界的焦点
  42. cynosure of the fashion show: 时装秀的焦点
  43. cynosure of the red carpet: 红毯的焦点
  44. cynosure of the art exhibition: 艺术展览的焦点
  45. cynosure of the award ceremony: 颁奖典礼的焦点
  46. cynosure of the cultural event: 文化活动的焦点
  47. cynosure of the fashion magazine: 时尚杂志的焦点
  48. cynosure of the sports tournament: 体育比赛的焦点
  49. cynosure of the business conference: 商业会议的焦点
  50. cynosure of the music festival: 音乐节的焦点


cynosure (SY no shoor) A cynosure is something or someone that everyone looks at, so narcissists or solipsists (see #1 and #2) would doubtless like to have it applied to them. An earlier use was limited to the idea of something, such as the North Star, that people use to guide and direct them (so, obviously, they have to look at it). (All you lovers of word history, get yourself to a dictionary to understand why “cyno-sure” literally means “dog’s tail”!)

•Even students who considered themselves “celebrity-proof” felt the cynosural power of the star of Saturday Night Live as he made his way through the lobby and hallways of the school, heading for the auditorium where he would speak on techniques of satire.

•When Thomas Carlyle writes of the French Revolution, he refers to Marie Antoinette as “the fair young queen, the cynosure of all eyes.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
cylosure(SY no shoor)cylosure是每个人都会看到的东西或人,因此自恋者或唯我论者(见#1和#2)无疑希望将其应用于他们身上。早期的使用仅限于人们用来引导和引导他们的东西,如北极星(North Star)的想法(因此,显然,他们必须观察它)。(所有喜欢单词历史的人,都去查字典,了解为什么“cyno sure”字面意思是“狗的尾巴”!)
•托马斯·卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)在写法国大革命时,将玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)称为“美丽的年轻女王,万众瞩目的焦点”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
