

与 “denude“(剥夺、脱去)相关的短语:

  1. denude a forest: 砍伐森林
  2. denude the land: 掠夺土地
  3. denude a mountain of its trees: 砍伐山上的树木
  4. denude an area of vegetation: 脱去一片植被
  5. denude the hills of their natural cover: 剥夺山丘的自然覆盖物
  6. denude a riverbank of its plants: 剥夺河岸的植物
  7. denude a landscape of its beauty: 剥夺景观的美丽
  8. denude a beach of its sand: 剥夺海滩的沙子
  9. denude a field of its crops: 收割田地的庄稼
  10. denude an island of its vegetation: 剥夺岛屿的植被
  11. denude a garden of its flowers: 剥夺花园的花朵
  12. denude a hillside of its grass: 剥夺山坡的草地
  13. denude a desert of its sparse vegetation: 剥夺沙漠的稀疏植被
  14. denude a valley of its trees: 砍伐山谷的树木
  15. denude a meadow of its wildflowers: 剥夺草地的野花
  16. denude a coastline of its natural features: 剥夺海岸线的自然特征
  17. denude a region of its resources: 掠夺一个地区的资源
  18. denude a hilltop of its rocks: 剥夺山顶的岩石
  19. denude a park of its wildlife: 剥夺公园的野生动物
  20. denude a country of its forests: 掠夺一个国家的森林
  21. denude a city of its green spaces: 剥夺城市的绿地
  22. denude an orchard of its fruit: 剥夺果园的果实
  23. denude a farm of its crops: 收割农场的庄稼
  24. denude a watershed of its natural protection: 剥夺流域的自然保护
  25. denude a plateau of its vegetation: 剥夺高原的植被
  26. denude a canyon of its trees: 砍伐峡谷的树木
  27. denude a wetland of its reeds: 剥夺湿地的芦苇
  28. denude a ravine of its plants: 剥夺沟壑的植物
  29. denude a continent of its natural habitats: 剥夺大陆的自然栖息地
  30. denude a watershed of its forest cover: 剥夺流域的森林覆盖


denude (de NEWD) Primarily used of trees that lose their leaves or loss of other vegetation, this verb means “to make bare” (as in “nude”).

•Although the lush summer foliage had been wonderful, the denuded land-scape had a severe beauty all its own.

•Who knew that use of RILLEE-STRAWNG bug killer would also cause denuding of the yard within a diameter of three feet? The warning was printed in flyspeck type on the bottom of the spray can!
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
denude(de NEWD)主要用于失去叶子或其他植被的树木,这个动词的意思是“裸露”(如“裸体”)。
