
英 [dɒg'mætɪk]美 [dɔɡ'mætɪk]


adj. 教条的;武断的





  1. A dogmatic belief: 固执己见的信念
  2. dogmatic assertions: 固执己见的断言
  3. Challenging dogmatic opinions: 对固执己见的观点提出质疑
  4. A dogmatic approach: 固执己见的方法
  5. dogmatic thinking: 固执己见的思维方式
  6. Questioning dogmatic ideologies: 对固执己见的意识形态提出质疑
  7. dogmatic statements: 固执己见的声明
  8. Holding dogmatic views: 持有固执己见的观点
  9. A dogmatic attitude: 固执己见的态度
  10. Rejecting dogmatic beliefs: 拒绝固执己见的信念
  11. Challenging dogmatic principles: 对固执己见的原则提出质疑
  12. A dogmatic perspective: 固执己见的观点
  13. Engaging in dogmatic arguments: 参与固执己见的争论
  14. Resisting dogmatic thinking: 抵制固执己见的思维方式
  15. Debating against dogmatic ideologies: 辩论反对固执己见的意识形态
  16. A dogmatic stance: 固执己见的立场
  17. Breaking free from dogmatic constraints: 摆脱固执己见的限制
  18. Questioning dogmatic assumptions: 对固执己见的假设提出质疑
  19. A dogmatic personality: 固执己见的个性
  20. Challenging dogmatic opinions with critical thinking: 用批判性思维对固执己见的观点提出质疑
  21. Debating dogmatic beliefs: 辩论固执己见的信念
  22. A dogmatic mindset: 固执己见的心态
  23. Refusing to accept dogmatic statements: 拒绝接受固执己见的声明
  24. A dogmatic approach to problem-solving: 固执己见的解决问题方式
  25. Challenging dogmatic authority: 对固执己见的权威提出质疑
  26. A dogmatic adherence to tradition: 对传统的固执坚守
  27. Criticizing dogmatic interpretations: 批评固执己见的解释
  28. A dogmatic belief system: 固执己见的信仰体系
  29. Questioning dogmatic assertions: 对固执己见的断言提出质疑
  30. A dogmatic rejection of alternative viewpoints: 对替代观点的固执拒绝


dogmatic (dog MAT ik) Though it comes from the Greek word that means “opinion,” this word has a more negative connotation. Someone who is dogmatic stubbornly asserts an opinion that is unproved or unprovable. Those beliefs are called “dogma,” and the person assert-ing them is a “dogmatist.”

•Spouting religious dogma, the zealot called the college students “immoral sinners” and told them they would “never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

•A dogmatic conservative, the president refused to raise taxes even though key social service programs were woefully underfunded.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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教条主义的(dog MAT-ik)虽然它来自希腊语,意思是“意见”,但这个词有更负面的含义。教条主义者固执地主张一种未经证实或无法证明的观点。这些信念被称为“教条”,主张这些信念的人是“教条主义者”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
