

关于 “doppelgänger” 的详细用法解释以及一些相关短语和中文解释:

doppelgänger (noun):

定义: Doppelgänger 是一个源自德语的词汇,指的是一个与他人长得非常相像的人,常常被认为是邪恶的双胞胎或灵魂的复制体。


  1. Mythical doppelgänger (神话中的分身) – 指的是在神话和传说中常常出现的具有与人类相同外貌的幽灵或分身。例如:”According to the legend, if you see your own doppelgänger, it is a bad omen.”(根据传说,如果你看到自己的分身,那是一个不祥之兆。)
  2. Celebrity doppelgänger (名人的长相相似者) – 指与某位名人外貌相似的人。例如:”She is often mistaken for Taylor Swift because she is her doppelgänger.”(她经常被误认为是泰勒·斯威夫特,因为她和她长得非常相像。)
  3. Evil doppelgänger (邪恶的分身) – 指被认为是一个人的邪恶版本或灵魂的复制体。例如:”In the movie, the protagonist had to confront his evil doppelgänger to save his own life.”(在电影中,主人公不得不面对他邪恶的分身以拯救自己的生命。)
  4. Doppelgänger syndrome (分身综合症) – 指的是一种心理疾病,患者错误地相信自己有一个与自己外貌相同但是独立存在的分身。例如:”She was diagnosed with doppelgänger syndrome, which caused her to have delusions of having a twin.”(她被诊断出患有分身综合症,导致她产生了自己有一个孪生姐妹的妄想。)


doppelgänger (DOP el GANG er) From the German for “double-goer,” this noun means “a ghostly double of a living person,” usually one that stalks or haunts its real-life counterpart.

  • Joseph Conrad’s novella The Secret Sharer is about a sea captain who is haunted by a doppelgänger, a naked swimmer named Leggatt, who mysteriously comes aboard his ship and shares all of the intimate details of his life.
  • Clothilde was increasingly bothered by Holly, who became her doppel-gänger, dressing like her, wearing her hair in the same style, and even taking a job in the same advertising agency.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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doppelgänger(DOP el GANG er)这个名词来自德语中的“double-goer”,意思是“活着的人的幽灵般的替身”,通常是跟踪或出没于现实生活中的替身。
约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad)的中篇小说《秘密分享者》(The Secret Sharer)讲述了一位船长,他被一位名叫莱格特(Leggatt)的裸体游泳运动员(doppelgänger)所困扰。莱格特神秘地登上了他的船,分享了他生活中的所有亲密细节。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
