Du Fu Poem: The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn – 柳宗元《雨后晓行独至愚溪北池》










[1] 宿云:因昨夜降雨,故称残云为宿云。

[2] 洲渚:指水中陆地。

[3] 明:照亮。

[4] 坞:村外障蔽物。

[5] 适:恰巧。

[6] 偶:偶然,一说投合。

The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn

Liu Zongyuan

Over the islets disperse clouds of last night,

The rising sun makes poolside village bright.

A tall tree overlooks the water clear;

Raindrops fall, startled by the wind severe.

Unoccupied, my mind is just carefree;

By chance the tree plays host to welcome me.

The poet is as carefree as the tree by the poolside.


The poem “The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn” is a landscape poem written by the literary scholar Liu Zongyuan in the Tang Dynasty. This poem depicts the morning scene after the rain at Yugi Pond, and the bright and beautiful scenery in front of him, expressing the joy of forgetting the worries for a while and being intoxicated by the fresh and bright nature, and also metaphorically expressing the poet’s belief that the red sun will definitely rise after the storm.
