Yang Juyuan Poem: Early Spring East of the Capital – 杨巨源《城东早春》








[1] 诗家:诗人。

[2] 清景:清丽的景色。

[3] 上林:上林苑,故址在今陕西西安市西,建于秦代,汉武帝时加以扩充,为汉宫苑。诗中用来代指京城长安。

[4] 锦:五色织成的绸绫。

Early Spring East of the Capital

Yang Juyuan

The early spring presents to poets a fresh scene:

The willow twigs half yellow and half tender green.

When the Royal Garden’s covered with blooming flowers,

Then it would be the visitors’ busiest hours.

This quatrain describes the beauty of spring scenery and the joy of visitors.


The poem “Early Spring in the East of the City” is a poem by Yang Juyuan, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, which expresses the author’s love for early spring. Although only the second stanza of the poem is devoted to the colors of spring, and only one willow bud is used to describe the colors of spring, it sums up the panoramic view of early spring. Although the second half of the poem is about the usual flower viewing in mid-spring, it actually reflects the uniqueness of early spring and the poet’s wisdom. The language of the poem is refined, the idea is clever, the contrast is sharp, and the meaning is profound, which is a good piece.
