






  1. “I am a professional ecumenical representative. I speak for all denominations and creeds” – The Exorcist (1973) (我是一名专业的普世代表。我代表所有教派和信仰。)
  2. “What’s the matter with you people? You’re so quiet. You’re so… ecumenical.” – Dogma (1999) (你们这些人怎么了?你们太安静了,你们太……普世了。)
  3. “The Vatican. An organization that, for 2,000 years, has been concerned with building a case for its own existence, based upon an absolute and immutable set of guidelines promulgated under the rubric of an infallible authority, and ecumenical in its outreach.” – Angels & Demons (2009) (梵蒂冈。一个为自己的存在而努力的组织,已有2,000年历史,基于一套绝对不变的准则,通过一个不可错误的权威框架宣传,普及其影响力。)
  4. “Religion is not the opiate of the masses. Opium is. Religion is the placebo.” – Hannibal (2001) (宗教不是群众的鸦片。鸦片才是。宗教只是一种安慰剂。它是一种普世的、广泛适用的安慰剂。)




  1. “In Memoriam A.H.H.” by Alfred Lord Tennyson “Though truths in manhood darkly join, deep-seated in our mystic frame, we yield all blessing to the name of Him that made them ecumenical”
  2. “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot “London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down These fragments I have shored against my ruins Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe. Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata. Shantih shantih shantih”
  3. “The Idea of a University” by John Henry Newman “Truth, a subtle, invisible, manifold spirit, is seen only in glimpses, and can only be caught by an ecumenical range of thought.”
  4. “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky “In the first place, can you point out what has hindered the progress of civilization and the advance of enlightenment throughout the ages more than any other thing? They have lain under the curse of orthodoxy–of traditionalism–of a priori systems–of the tyrrany of the ecumenical councils–of all that has opposed itself to progress.”



  1. “The Church in the New World” by John Cardinal Wright “The ecumenical movement is at the center of the search for unity among Christians throughout the world.”


  1. “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri “Thus doth the Will proceed from Intellect, And, moved by Love, it round about revolves; For by its nature, it the good discerns; And from the other it receives the sail, Which o’er the sea of the desired is borne; This is the principle, which generates Ecumenical, and individual loves.”


  1. “Gaudium et Spes” by Pope Paul VI “The Church is present in the world with the specific and sole mission of being a sign and instrument of unity, both of the intimate union with God and of the unity of the entire human race. This mission of the Church is truly ecumenical and universal.”


  1. “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco “The ecumenical council had laid down the law about the inquisition, the necessity for the purity of the faith, the need for the poor to be humble, the impropriety of lending at interest.”




  1. The conference was an ecumenical gathering of leaders from different religious traditions. (这个会议是不同宗教传统领袖的普世聚会。)
  2. The new initiative seeks to promote ecumenical dialogue and understanding between different faiths. (这项新举措旨在促进不同信仰之间的普世对话和理解。)
  3. The principles of human rights are ecumenical in nature and apply to all people, regardless of their race, religion, or nationality. (人权原则具有普世性质,适用于所有人,不论他们的种族、宗教或国籍。)




  1. Interfaith: 表示涉及多个宗教的交流和合作,特别是在宗教对话方面。
  2. Universal: 涵盖或适用于整个世界或所有人类。
  3. Inclusive: 包容性的,可以包括或接纳各种不同的人或思想。
  4. Global: 全球性的,涉及世界范围内的事物或问题。
  5. Catholic: 普遍的或包容的,特别指基督教中天主教的信仰和实践。
  6. Pan-denominational: 涉及不同教派或信仰的,包括各种宗教的信徒。
  7. Interdenominational: 涉及不同宗派或信仰的,特别是在宗教组织或活动方面。
  8. Multifaith: 涉及多个宗教的,涵盖各种信仰的。


ecumenical (EK yoo MEN ik al) This adjective means “universal” or “of worldwide scope.” It is very similar to the word “catholic” (see the “Together/Apart” section). Its more specific religious meaning is “promot-ing unity among churches or religions.”

  • The community in northwestern Alaska was so small that the only church in town was truly ecumenical, offering services for Catholics, Jews, Protestants, and Unitarians.
  • The Saturday religious services at Janice’s summer camp were always about ecumenical topics that would appeal to the diverse group of campers.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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普世的(EK yoo MEN ik al)这个形容词的意思是“普遍的”或“世界范围的”。它与“天主教”一词非常相似(见“一起/分开”一节)。它更具体的宗教含义是“促进教会或宗教之间的团结”


  • 定义:Ecumenical 是一个形容词,用于描述涉及或促进不同基督教教派之间的合作、交流和统一的事物或观念。它强调超越教派边界,追求共同的信仰和团结。
  • 例句
    1. The ecumenical movement aims to foster unity and understanding among different Christian denominations.(普世运动旨在促进不同基督教教派之间的团结和理解。)
    2. The conference brought together ecumenical leaders from around the world to discuss issues of common concern.(这次会议汇集了来自世界各地的普世领袖,讨论共同关心的问题。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 基督教教派之间的合作和交流
    • The ecumenical movement seeks to overcome divisions and foster dialogue among different Christian denominations.(普世运动旨在克服分歧,促进不同基督教教派之间的对话。)
    • The ecumenical council brought together representatives from various churches to discuss matters of shared interest.(普世公会议集合了来自各个教会的代表,讨论共同关心的问题。)
  2. 追求基督教教派之间的统一和共同信仰
    • The ecumenical movement emphasizes the commonalities and shared values among different Christian traditions.(普世运动强调不同基督教传统之间的共同点和共享价值观。)
    • The ecumenical dialogue aimed to bridge the theological differences and promote mutual understanding among denominations.(普世对话旨在弥合神学上的分歧,促进教派之间的相互理解。)
  3. 超越教派边界的统一和合作
    • The ecumenical approach encourages churches to work together on social justice issues and humanitarian initiatives.(普世方法鼓励教会在社会公正问题和人道主义倡议上合作。)
    • The ecumenical spirit promotes a sense of unity and solidarity among Christians of different denominations.(普世精神在不同教派的基督徒之间促进了团结和团结一致的意识。)

总之,ecumenical 是一个形容词,用于描述涉及或促进不同基督教教派之间的合作、交流和统一的事物或观念。它强调超越教派边界,追求共同的信仰和团结。


  1. Ecumenical dialogue (普世对话)
  2. Ecumenical movement (普世运动)
  3. Ecumenical council (大公教会议)
  4. Ecumenical worship (普世礼拜)
  5. Ecumenical cooperation (普世合作)
  6. Ecumenical understanding (普世理解)
  7. Ecumenical spirit (普世精神)
  8. Ecumenical outreach (普世服务)
  9. Ecumenical gathering (普世聚会)
  10. Ecumenical relations (普世关系)
