
empirical什么意思_empirical翻译 – empirical英语单词讲解

empirical 英 [ɪmˈpɪrɪkl] 美 [ɪmˈpɪrɪkl]


[adjective] based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
[形容词] 基于观察或经验,或与之相关的,亦或者可通过观察或经验来证实的,而非理论或纯逻辑的


In a world as empirical as ours, a youngster who does not know what he is good at will not be sure what he is good for.
出自美国教育学者埃德加·弗里登伯格(Edgar Friedenberg,1921年3月18日—2000年6月1日)。


Empirical 一词源自拉丁语 empiricus (凭经验看病的医生),16世纪进入英语后原是一个医学用语表示“源自于或者与经验或实验相关的”,等到了18世纪则开始泛化为通用表达指“以实验(或经验)为依据的、经验主义的”,比如:

  • 他站不住脚的论文缺乏实验证据的支持。
    There is no empirical evidence to support his feeble thesis.
  • 临床研究表明某些替代疗法是不起作用的。
    Empirical studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are impotent.

一切从实际出发本没错,但如果单凭实际经验来办事,就会变成一个缺乏理论知识的经验主义者(empiric)。要知道, empiric 早期指的可是缺乏正规训练的江湖医生或者说庸医(a quack doctor)。另外这个单词也可以作形容词使用,用法等同于 empirical 。

值得注意的是,由于 empirical 与 empire (帝国)形似,所以在阅读写作要小心误看成是 imperial (帝国的、皇帝的)的同义词。


  • In those days, empirical work enjoyed less prestige.
  • Written and directed by Mr. Allen, this comedy tells the tale of a 1920s stage magician (played by Colin Firth) whose sober belief in the empirical world is sorely tested by an enticing younger woman (Ms. Stone) who claims to be a psychic medium.


empirical (em PEER ik al) This is an adjective about learning, not teach-ing. A student who learns empirically is “guided by practical experience or observation rather than by precepts or theory.” It comes from the Greek word for “experienced.” The noun form is “empiric.”

  • Andrew’s psychology professor taught him the textbook definitions of psychotic behavior, but empirical evidence suggested that his anxiety was perfectly normal.
  • The university president was shunned by the public for insisting that women are weaker in math and science than men without any real academic basis or empirical proof for his assumptions.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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经验主义的(em PEER ik al)这是一个关于学习的形容词,而不是教学。凭经验学习的学生“以实践经验或观察为指导,而不是以戒律或理论为指导”。它来自希腊语中“经验丰富”的意思。名词形式是“经验丰富的”


empirical” 这个单词的中文解释是 “经验主义的” 或者 “基于经验的”。

以下是包含 “empirical” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. empirical evidence – 经验证据
  2. empirical research – 经验研究
  3. empirical data – 经验数据
  4. empirical study – 经验研究
  5. empirical analysis – 经验分析
  6. empirical approach – 经验方法
  7. empirical observation – 经验观察
  8. empirical findings – 经验发现
  9. empirical investigation – 经验调查
  10. empirical knowledge – 经验知识
  11. empirical study – 经验学习
  12. empirical research – 实证研究
  13. empirical validation – 经验验证
  14. empirical results – 实证结果
  15. empirical inquiry – 实证探讨
  16. empirical analysis – 实证分析
  17. empirical investigation – 实证调查
  18. empirical approach – 实证方法
  19. empirical evidence – 实证证据
  20. empirical observation – 实证观察
  21. empirical findings – 实证发现
  22. empirical study – 实证研究
  23. empirical research – 基于经验的研究
  24. empirical data – 基于经验的数据
  25. empirical analysis – 基于经验的分析
  26. empirical approach – 基于经验的方法
  27. empirical evidence – 基于经验的证据
  28. empirical observation – 基于经验的观察
  29. empirical findings – 基于经验的发现
  30. empirical research – 基于实证的研究
  31. empirical validation – 基于实证的验证
  32. empirical results – 基于实证的结果
  33. empirical inquiry – 基于实证的探讨
  34. empirical analysis – 基于实证的分析
  35. empirical investigation – 基于实证的调查
  36. empirical approach – 基于实证的方法
  37. empirical evidence – 基于实证的证据
  38. empirical observation – 基于实证的观察
  39. empirical findings – 基于实证的发现
  40. empirical study – 实证研究
  41. empirical research – 实证研究
  42. empirical data – 实证数据
  43. empirical analysis – 实证分析
  44. empirical approach – 实证方法
  45. empirical evidence – 实证证据
  46. empirical observation – 实证观察
  47. empirical findings – 实证发现
  48. empirical investigation – 实证调查
  49. empirical approach – 实证方法
  50. empirical evidence – 实证证据


experiential: involving or based on experience and observation
practical: of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas
pragmatic: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
