


  1. Espy (verb): 窥视,发现,察觉
    • Definition: To catch sight of or discover something or someone, especially by careful observation.
    • 中文解释:通过仔细观察,特别是视觉上的发现或察觉某事物或某人。
    • Example: From his hiding place, he espied a rare bird in the distance. (他从藏身之处发现了远处的一只稀有鸟类。)
  2. Espy (noun): 特工,间谍
    • Definition: A person employed to secretly collect information or conduct espionage.
    • 中文解释:一名秘密收集情报或进行间谍活动的雇员。
    • Example: The protagonist of the novel was an espy working for a government agency. (这本小说的主角是一名在政府机构工作的间谍。)
  3. Espionage (noun): 间谍活动
    • Definition: The practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information, typically for political or military purposes.
    • 中文解释:利用间谍或间谍手段获取秘密信息的行为,通常用于政治或军事目的。
    • Example: The movie depicted a thrilling world of international espionage. (这部电影描绘了一个充满刺激的国际间谍活动世界。)
  4. Espionage agent: 间谍,特工
    • Definition: A person who engages in espionage or works as a spy.
    • 中文解释:从事间谍活动或担任间谍工作的人。
    • Example: The captured espionage agent was interrogated for classified information. (被捕的间谍被审讯以获取机密信息。)


espy (es SPY) Like descry, this verb that means “to glimpse something partially hidden.” It comes to us from the French, using the same root as the word “espionage,” which means “spying in order to obtain secret information.”

  • In the gloaming (see “The Stream I Go A-Fishing In” section), Captain Ahab espied the tail of a white whale breaking the water in the distance and headed further out to sea.
  • The game of hide-and-seek was over when Julie espied the purple sleeve of Penny’s party dress peeking out from behind the pale yellow curtains in the living room.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
espy(es SPY)和descry一样,这个动词的意思是“窥探部分隐藏的东西”。它来自法语,与“间谍活动”一词的词根相同,意思是“为了获取秘密信息而进行间谍活动”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
