
英 [fɑːs] 美 [fɑːrs]


[noun] a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations
[名词] 滑稽剧


Farce 是一个与之前推送过的 scarce 有着相同结尾的单词。该词源自拉丁语 farcire (装满、塞满,同 cram )。

话说在13到14世纪时,欧洲教堂在吟诵经文之间经常插入一些解说或激励人的话语。这种经文中本没有而另外塞入的话语就被称为 farce 。

后来随着宗教喜剧的流行,演员们在表演剧目时,常把一些当地近期发生的新闻作为素材插入到戏剧中进行插科打诨。进而就开始用 farce 引申指这类插科打诨的内容,并进一步发展出现在的主要含义“滑稽剧、闹剧、笑剧”,以及指“滑稽剧体裁(the genre of farce)”,即一种使用滑稽和恶作剧表演的喜剧作品,通常包含粗俗的人物刻画和荒谬不可能的场景。

从滑稽剧荒诞可笑并且表演夸张的概念出发, farce 随后就被用来引申指“闹剧、荒唐的事情”或者说“可笑的行为或情景”,主要指本应严肃却变得明显荒谬且无意义的行为、事件或情况,常意味着混乱或不公正,使人无法认真对待,比如:

  • 这次审判完全是一场闹剧。约翰谋杀了他爱张扬的妻子,但以精神错乱为由逃脱了惩罚。
    The trial was a complete farce. John murdered his flamboyant wife, but got off on a plea of insanity.


  • There is also a hint of Pythonesque farce about it.
  • I chose not to participate in this farce.






在13、14世纪,在欧洲的教堂仪式中,常在吟诵经文之间插入一些解说或激励人的话语,这些经文中没有、另外插入的话语就被称为 farce 。该词来自拉丁语 farcire ,本意是“插入、填充”。宗教戏剧流行后,在表演传统剧目时,演员往往会将当地最近发生的新闻作为素材,插入到戏剧中进行插科打诨。这种用来插科打诨的内容也被称为 farce 。由于这种 farce 往往是滑稽可笑的,表演时特别夸张,因此 farce 就产生了“闹剧、胡闹”的含义。

与 farce 同源的单词还有 infarct (梗塞)、 infarction 等单词。

  • farce:[fɑːs] n. 闹剧,笑剧,胡闹
  • infarct:[‘ɪnfɑːkt; ɪn’fɑːkt] n. 梗塞,梗死
  • infarction:[ɪn’fɑːkʃ(ə)n] n. 梗塞,梗死


farce (FARSE) A farce is a comic play characterized by improbable but humorous elements. By extension, the word can describe anything so absurd as to be laughable, whether by its humor or the fact that it makes a mockery, a joke, of an undertaking. (And isn’t it a little bit funny that the origin of this word means “seasoned stuffing”?)

  • The French farce featured three swinging doors, a trapdoor, and four windows: characters repeatedly missed each other by seconds, causing the audience to roar harder each time.
  • “Student government at Montrose High is farcical,” complained Annemarie. “Kids just run for office so they can list it on their college applications.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 这场法国闹剧有三扇摆动的门、一扇活板门和四扇窗户:剧中人物多次以秒为单位错过对方,导致观众每次都更加咆哮
  • Annemarie抱怨道:“蒙特罗斯高中的学生政府太滑稽了。”。“孩子们只是为了竞选公职,所以他们可以在大学申请表上列出。”



farce“(闹剧,滑稽剧)是一个名词,通常用来形容一种荒谬、可笑或荒诞的情景、事件或表演。以下是一些包含单词 “farce” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Political farce(政治闹剧)
  2. Theatrical farce(戏剧滑稽剧)
  3. Absurd farce(荒谬闹剧)
  4. farce of errors(错误的闹剧)
  5. Satirical farce(讽刺性闹剧)
  6. farce of misunderstandings(误解的闹剧)
  7. farce of incompetence(无能的闹剧)
  8. Hilarious farce(滑稽可笑的闹剧)
  9. farce of deception(欺骗的闹剧)
  10. farce of bureaucracy(官僚主义的闹剧)
  11. Political election farce(政治选举闹剧)
  12. Comedic farce(喜剧性闹剧)
  13. farce of miscommunication(误传的闹剧)
  14. farce of absurdity(荒诞的闹剧)
  15. farce of mistaken identities(错误身份的闹剧)
  16. farce of incompetence(无能的闹剧)
  17. farce of misunderstandings(误解的闹剧)
  18. farce of errors(错误的闹剧)
  19. farce of deception(欺骗的闹剧)
  20. farce of bureaucracy(官僚主义的闹剧)
  21. Political election farce(政治选举闹剧)
  22. Comedic farce(喜剧性闹剧)
  23. farce of miscommunication(误传的闹剧)
  24. farce of absurdity(荒诞的闹剧)
  25. farce of mistaken identities(错误身份的闹剧)
  26. farce of confusion(混乱的闹剧)
  27. The farce of life(人生闹剧)
  28. farce of pretense(假装的闹剧)
  29. Corporate farce(企业闹剧)
  30. farce of bureaucracy(官僚主义的闹剧)
  31. farce of political maneuvering(政治策略的闹剧)
  32. farce of hidden agendas(隐藏动机的闹剧)
  33. farce of social norms(社会规范的闹剧)
  34. farce of absurd situations(荒谬情境的闹剧)
  35. farce of power struggles(权力斗争的闹剧)
  36. farce of reality TV(真人秀的闹剧)
  37. farce of diplomatic negotiations(外交谈判的闹剧)
  38. farce of romantic misunderstandings(浪漫误解的闹剧)
  39. farce of celebrity scandals(名人丑闻的闹剧)
  40. farce of cultural clashes(文化冲突的闹剧)
  41. farce of bureaucratic red tape(官僚红色磁带的闹剧)
  42. farce of technological mishaps(技术故障的闹剧)
  43. farce of family dynamics(家庭关系的闹剧)
  44. farce of reality distortion(现实扭曲的闹剧)
  45. farce of mistaken assumptions(错误假设的闹剧)
  46. farce of theatrical improvisation(戏剧即兴的闹剧)
  47. farce of misunderstandings(误解的闹剧)
  48. farce of political posturing(政治做姿态的闹剧)
  49. farce of celebrity antics(名人滑稽动作的闹剧)
  50. farce of romantic escapades(浪漫奇遇的闹剧)


parody: an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect

caricature: a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect

travesty: a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something
