
flamboyant 英 [flæmˈbɔɪənt] 美 [flæmˈbɔɪənt]



[adjective] (of a person or their behavior) tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness
[形容词] (指人或其行为)因热情、自信和时尚而容易引起注意的


Flamboyant 是一个很容易让人联想起小站之前推送过的 buoyant 的单词。该词源自古法语 flambe (火焰、爱的火焰),1832年经法语 flamboyant (火焰似的、波浪形的)进入英语,最初用来表示建筑“火焰式的”,其特色是火焰式曲线窗格及华丽装饰。


  • 那个病人的衣着在如此严肃的场合显得太艳丽了。
    The invalid’s clothes were rather flamboyant for such a serious occasion.

等到了1879年, flamboyant 从艳丽夺目这个概念出发,进一步引申指“炫耀的、卖弄的、浮夸的、浮华的”,主要指在言辞、行为、外表、性格等方面因花哨、时尚、热情、自信、大胆(audacious)等而引人注目,常意味着行为或者表现有着惊人的精致或趣味,比如:

  • 评论家暗地里抨击她大肆挥霍、恣意张扬的作风。
    Critics attacked her lavish spending and flamboyant style in a covert way.
  • 他处事严谨,与他爱张扬的妻子形成了鲜明的对比。
    He was a man of austere habits, in stark contrast to his more flamboyant wife.


The guy’s flamboyant, exotic.

出自2014年首播的美国政治电视剧《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)。


  • Most bosses complain of being slaves to short-term profit targets. Yet a few flout the orthodoxy in flamboyant fashion.
  • He is also likely to offer a stark contrast to the flamboyant style and erratic behavior of Boris Johnson, his former boss and Ms. Truss’s discredited predecessor.


  1. flamboyant personality: 华丽的个性
  2. flamboyant fashion: 浮夸的时尚
  3. flamboyant style: 华丽的风格
  4. flamboyant display: 耀眼的展示
  5. flamboyant colors: 绚丽的色彩
  6. flamboyant gestures: 华丽的手势
  7. flamboyant performance: 炫目的表演
  8. flamboyant artwork: 艳丽的艺术作品
  9. flamboyant entrance: 引人注目的入场
  10. flamboyant design: 华丽的设计
  11. flamboyant outfit: 浮夸的服装
  12. flamboyant decor: 豪华的装饰
  13. flamboyant bouquet of flowers: 绚丽的花束
  14. flamboyant personality traits: 华丽的个性特征
  15. flamboyant stage presence: 耀眼的舞台形象
  16. flamboyant music video: 华丽的音乐视频
  17. flamboyant car with vibrant colors: 艳丽的汽车外观
  18. flamboyant dance moves: 炫目的舞蹈动作
  19. flamboyant fashion show: 浮夸的时装秀
  20. flamboyant hat adorned with feathers: 饰有羽毛的华丽帽子
  21. flamboyant jewelry: 华丽的珠宝
  22. flamboyant makeup: 夸张的妆容
  23. flamboyant stage costume: 艳丽的舞台服装
  24. flamboyant public speaking: 华丽的公众演讲
  25. flamboyant nightlife: 炫目的夜生活
  26. flamboyant fireworks display: 华丽的烟花表演
  27. flamboyant restaurant decor: 豪华的餐厅装饰
  28. flamboyant hair style: 浮夸的发型
  29. flamboyant sports car: 豪华的跑车
  30. flamboyant advertising campaign: 炫目的广告活动
  31. flamboyant movie premiere: 华丽的电影首映
  32. flamboyant street performance: 街头华丽表演
  33. flamboyant interior design: 华丽的室内设计
  34. flamboyant stage lighting: 耀眼的舞台灯光
  35. flamboyant vocal range: 声音宽广的华丽演唱
  36. flamboyant wedding ceremony: 豪华的婚礼仪式
  37. flamboyant art exhibition: 华丽的艺术展览
  38. flamboyant personality traits: 华丽的个性特质
  39. flamboyant theatrical performance: 戏剧性的华丽表演
  40. flamboyant marketing campaign: 炫目的营销活动
  41. flamboyant fashion accessories: 浮夸的时尚配饰
  42. flamboyant dance costume: 炫目的舞蹈服装
  43. flamboyant architecture: 华丽的建筑风格
  44. flamboyant cultural festival: 耀眼的文化节日
  45. flamboyant personality traits: 华丽的个性特点
  46. flamboyant stage presence: 耀眼的舞台气场
  47. flamboyant vocal performance: 豪华的声乐表演
  48. flamboyant fashion designer: 浮夸的时尚设计师
  49. flamboyant photography: 华丽的摄影作品
  50. flamboyant performance art: 耀眼的表演艺术



flamboyant (flam BOY ant) This adjective, which derives from the French word for “flame,” can be used admiringly for something dashing and colorful in style or can shade over into criticism for that which is overly showy.

•About half of the faculty members defend Emily’s flamboyant individuality as displayed through her spiky hair and equally spiky jewelry.

•The writer Truman Capote earned a lot of attention from the press for his flamboyant activities, such as his Black and White ball given for five hundred forty of his closest friends.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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flamboyant(flam BOY ant)这个形容词源自法语单词“flame”,可用于形容风格时髦、多彩的事物,也可用于形容过于艳丽的事物。
•作家杜鲁门•卡波特(Truman Capote)因其华丽的活动赢得了媒体的大量关注,例如他为540名最亲密的朋友举办的黑白舞会。


ostentatious: characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice
showy: having a striking appearance or style, typically by being excessively bright, colorful, or ostentatious
dashing: attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence (typically used of a man)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
