


  1. Confiscation and forfeiture: 没收和充公
  2. Asset forfeiture: 财产充公
  3. Seizure and forfeiture: 扣押和充公
  4. Criminal forfeiture: 刑事充公
  5. Property forfeiture: 财产充公
  6. Drug forfeiture: 毒品充公
  7. Asset seizure and forfeiture: 资产扣押和充公
  8. Money forfeiture: 资金充公
  9. Civil forfeiture: 民事充公
  10. Proceeds forfeiture: 收益充公
  11. forfeiture of rights: 权利剥夺
  12. forfeiture of benefits: 利益剥夺
  13. forfeiture of privileges: 特权剥夺
  14. forfeiture of assets: 资产充公
  15. forfeiture of property: 财产充公
  16. forfeiture of deposits: 存款充公
  17. forfeiture of bond: 债券充公
  18. forfeiture of shares: 股份充公
  19. forfeiture of pension: 养老金剥夺
  20. forfeiture of inheritance: 继承权剥夺
  21. forfeiture of dividends: 股息充公
  22. forfeiture of royalties: 版权充公
  23. forfeiture of prizes: 奖品充公
  24. forfeiture of awards: 奖项充公
  25. forfeiture of bonuses: 奖金充公
  26. forfeiture of membership: 会员资格剥夺
  27. forfeiture of licenses: 许可证充公
  28. forfeiture of passports: 护照充公
  29. forfeiture of visas: 签证充公
  30. forfeiture of freedom: 自由剥夺
  31. forfeiture of rights and privileges: 权利和特权剥夺
  32. forfeiture of property rights: 财产权剥夺
  33. forfeiture of voting rights: 投票权剥夺
  34. forfeiture of parental rights: 父母权剥夺
  35. forfeiture of driving privileges: 驾驶特权剥夺
  36. forfeiture of professional licenses: 职业许可证充公
  37. forfeiture of business assets: 企业资产充公
  38. forfeiture of intellectual property: 知识产权充公
  39. forfeiture of bank accounts: 银行账户充公
  40. forfeiture of illegal proceeds: 非法收入充公
  41. forfeiture of contraband items: 违禁品充公
  42. forfeiture of stolen goods: 偷盗物品充公
  43. forfeiture of ill-gotten gains: 不正当收益充公
  44. forfeiture of smuggled goods: 走私物品充公
  45. forfeiture of counterfeit currency: 伪造货币充公
  46. forfeiture of illegal firearms: 非法枪支充公
  47. forfeiture of illicit drugs: 非法药物充公
  48. forfeiture of embezzled funds: 贪污资金充公
  49. forfeiture of fraudulently obtained assets: 欺诈获得的资产充公
  50. forfeiture of tax evaded assets: 逃税资产充公


forfeiture (FOR fit ure) This noun, from the verb “forfeit,” expresses the idea of a penalty, a giving up of something in one’s possession. It may be used trivially, as in a game, or extremely seriously.

•“If you lose this game of whist to me, Miss Arabella, you must make forfeiture of one of your gloves,” said Sir Kenelm. “It can then be redeemed only by a kiss.”

•The forfeiture of one of his estates was a grievous loss to the young Squire Moulton, and he rued the day he had signed the bond for his feckless friend Bounderby.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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没收(FOR fiture)这个名词来自动词“没收”,表达了惩罚的意思,即放弃某人所拥有的东西。在游戏中,它可能被用得很琐碎,或者非常严肃。
