
fractious 英 [ˈfrækʃəs] 美 [ˈfrækʃəs]



[adjective] (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome
[形容词] (通常指儿童)易怒且爱争吵的


Fractious 是一个有些容易与小站之前推送过的 fracture 相混淆的单词。

该词源自常见单词 fraction (分数)的一个现已过时的古义“争吵、不合”,主要用作形容词表示“暴躁的、易怒的、动辄烦躁的”,多见于英式英语尤指儿童易怒且爱争吵的,侧重强调任性、不守规矩,或者极度兴奋且严重丧失自制力,比如:

  • 孩子们疲倦时易烦躁好哭。
    Children often get fractious and tearful when tired.

从这个概念出发, fractious 还被用作正式用语引申指组织、团体等“难驾驭的、难以控制的”,也就意味着喜欢制造麻烦或者挑起争端,比如:

  • 这六个不安分的加盟共和国要求自治。我们担心争端会恶化。
    The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy. We fear the dispute could escalate.


She then peeped round to where I sat; so stern a neighbour was too restrictive to him, in his present fractious mood, she dared whisper no observations, nor ask of him any information.

出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


  • In an often fractious field, that is about as close to a consensus view as can be found.
  • But today, more than four decades later, the root causes of the violence, and its fractious aftermath, are no less relevant.但在四十多年后的今天,暴力的根源及其棘手的后果同样重要。



  1. Deal with a fractious child: 处理一个暴躁的孩子
  2. fractious behavior: 暴躁的行为
  3. Calm down a fractious individual: 安抚一个暴躁的人
  4. Handle fractious customers: 处理暴躁的顾客
  5. fractious mood: 暴躁的情绪
  6. Dealing with fractiousness: 处理暴躁行为
  7. Addressing fractious complaints: 处理暴躁的投诉
  8. Tame a fractious pet: 驯服一个暴躁的宠物
  9. fractious outburst: 暴躁的爆发
  10. Manage fractious relationships: 管理暴躁的关系
  11. fractious temperament: 暴躁的性情
  12. Handle a fractious situation: 处理一个暴躁的局面
  13. Calming a fractious crowd: 平息一个暴躁的人群
  14. fractious behavior in the workplace: 工作场所的暴躁行为
  15. fractious reaction to criticism: 对批评的暴躁反应
  16. Deal with fractious siblings: 处理暴躁的兄弟姐妹
  17. fractious attitude towards authority: 对权威的暴躁态度
  18. Manage a fractious team: 管理一个暴躁的团队
  19. fractious response to change: 对变化的暴躁反应
  20. Soothe a fractious baby: 安抚一个暴躁的婴儿
  21. fractious behavior during negotiations: 谈判过程中的暴躁行为
  22. Deal with fractious demands: 处理暴躁的要求
  23. fractious reaction to rules: 对规定的暴躁反应
  24. Handle a fractious dispute: 处理一个暴躁的争议
  25. fractious response to authority figures: 对权威人物的暴躁反应
  26. Address fractious behavior with empathy: 以同理心解决暴躁行为
  27. fractious attitude towards teamwork: 对团队合作的暴躁态度
  28. Deal with a fractious colleague: 处理一个暴躁的同事
  29. fractious outburst in public: 公开的暴躁爆发
  30. Manage fractious behavior through communication: 通过沟通管理暴躁行为
  31. fractious response to criticism: 对批评的暴躁反应
  32. Calm a fractious atmosphere: 平息暴躁的气氛
  33. fractious reaction to authority: 对权威的暴躁反应
  34. Deal with a fractious customer service situation: 处理一个暴躁的客户服务情况
  35. fractious behavior at family gatherings: 家庭聚会的暴躁行为
  36. Address fractious behavior with assertiveness: 以果断处理暴躁行为
  37. fractious response to disagreement: 对分歧的暴躁反应
  38. Handle a fractious classroom environment: 处理一个暴躁的课堂环境
  39. fractious attitude towards teamwork: 对团队合作的暴躁态度
  40. Soothe a fractious relationship: 安抚一个暴躁的关系
  41. fractious response to authority figures: 对权威人物的暴躁反应
  42. Deal with fractious behavior through mediation: 通过调解处理暴躁行为
  43. fractious reaction to criticism: 对批评的暴躁反应
  44. Calm down a fractious crowd: 平息一个暴躁的人群
  45. fractious behavior during team meetings: 团队会议期间的暴躁行为
  46. Manage fractious behavior with clear boundaries: 通过明确界限管理暴躁行为
  47. fractious response to authority: 对权威的暴躁反应
  48. Address fractious behavior with patience: 以耐心处理暴躁行为
  49. fractious attitude towards change: 对变化的暴躁态度
  50. Deal with a fractious roommate: 处理一个暴躁的室友


fractious (FRAK shus) Although someone who is fractious is considered unruly or a trouble maker, the adjective also means “peevish” or “cranky.” It doesn’t quite mean stubborn, but the word does suggest an unwillingness to respect authority.

•The fractious child refused to finish her roast beef and spinach even though her father insisted.

•“Your fractiousness is another explanation for your lack of team spirit,” said the coach, referring to Ian’s refusal to sit on the bench for the ninth inning.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
暴躁的(FRAK shus)尽管暴躁的人被认为是不守规矩的或惹麻烦的人,但这个形容词也有“脾气暴躁”或“暴躁”的意思。它不太意味着固执,但这个词确实暗示着不愿意尊重权威。


grumpy: bad-tempered and irritable
testy: easily irritated; impatient and somewhat bad-tempered
touchy: (of a person) oversensitive and irritable

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
