

  1. fulminate against injustice: 强烈谴责不公正行为
  2. fulminate against government corruption: 激烈抨击政府腐败
  3. fulminate against social inequality: 强烈批评社会不平等
  4. fulminate against religious extremism: 强烈反对宗教极端主义
  5. fulminate against racial discrimination: 激烈谴责种族歧视
  6. fulminate against environmental destruction: 强烈抨击环境破坏
  7. fulminate against economic inequality: 激烈批评经济不平等
  8. fulminate against political oppression: 强烈反对政治压迫
  9. fulminate against war crimes: 强烈谴责战争罪行
  10. fulminate against human rights abuses: 强烈抨击人权侵犯
  11. fulminate against corporate greed: 激烈批评企业贪婪
  12. fulminate against social injustice: 强烈谴责社会不公正
  13. fulminate against educational inequality: 强烈抨击教育不平等
  14. fulminate against cultural appropriation: 强烈反对文化挪用
  15. fulminate against gender discrimination: 强烈谴责性别歧视
  16. fulminate against political corruption: 强烈抨击政治腐败
  17. fulminate against moral decay: 强烈批评道德败坏
  18. fulminate against social injustice: 强烈谴责社会不公正
  19. fulminate against unjust laws: 强烈抨击不公正的法律
  20. fulminate against economic exploitation: 强烈批评经济剥削
  21. fulminate against religious intolerance: 强烈反对宗教不容忍
  22. fulminate against political incompetence: 强烈谴责政治无能
  23. fulminate against bureaucratic red tape: 强烈抨击官僚主义
  24. fulminate against social prejudice: 强烈批评社会偏见
  25. fulminate against environmental pollution: 强烈反对环境污染
  26. fulminate against economic inequality: 强烈谴责经济不平等
  27. fulminate against cultural imperialism: 强烈抨击文化帝国主义
  28. fulminate against political manipulation: 强烈反对政治操纵
  29. fulminate against human rights violations: 强烈谴责人权侵犯
  30. fulminate against social exclusion: 强烈抨击社会排斥



fulminate (FULL min ate) This verb, from the Latin for “to strike with light-ning,” means to issue an explosive verbal attack, either in speech or writ-ing. A good way to remember it is to think of a “fulminate of mercury,” which is a chemical powder that explodes under heat and is commonly used in detonators. The noun form is “fulmination.”

•The group of first graders fulminated against the teacher who was responsible for the lengthening of nap time, the shortening of recess, and the decrease in the frequency with which ice cream was served in the cafeteria.

•Having heard his local newspaper’s fulmination against the president after he increased the number of troops being sent overseas, the congressman decided to articulate more extreme opposition to the war.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
雷霆万钧(FULL minate)这个动词,来自拉丁语,意为“用闪电攻击”,意思是在言语或书面语中发出爆炸性的言语攻击。记住这一点的一个好方法是想到“雷汞”,这是一种在高温下爆炸的化学粉末,通常用于雷管。名词形式为“雷霆式”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
