Gao Shi Poem: Farewell to a Lutist – 高适《别董大》








[1] 董大:董庭兰,唐代著名音乐家。

[2] 曛:曛黄,夕阳西沉时的昏黄景象。

Farewell to a Lutist

Gao Shi

Yellow clouds spread for miles and miles have veiled the day;

The north wind blows down snow and wild geese fly away.

Fear not you’ve no admirers as you go along.

There is no connoisseur on earth but loves your song.

The poet believes that there is no connoisseur but loves the lutist’s song.


Two Poems of “Farewell to a Lutist” is a group of poems by Gao Shi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. These two poems are a farewell poem between the poet and Dong Da, who reunited after a short reunion and then went their separate ways. The first poem outlines the dark and cold sorrowful scenery of the farewell, showing that the poet was in a difficult and unattainable situation, which not only shows the author’s feelings of regret for his friend’s long journey, but also shows the poet’s generous and open-minded heart. The poet’s generosity and boldness cannot be concealed. The whole poem is simple in language and bold in tone.
