![Gaslight (2)](https://pabulika.cn/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Gaslight-2.jpg)
主演 查尔斯·博耶
主演 英格丽·褒曼
片名 煤气灯下
编剧 约翰·L·鲍尔德斯顿 沃尔特·瑞奇
制片 亚瑟·荷恩布洛二世
导演 乔治·库克
Stand back.
宝拉 别回头看
No, no, Paula. Don’t look back.
You’ve got to forget everything that’s happened here.
That’s why you’re going to Italy, to Signor Guardi.
他是你姨妈最好的朋友 也会是你最好的朋友
He was the best friend your aunt ever had, and he’ll be yours, too.
Perhaps Signor Guardi will make you into a great singer, as she was.
Wouldn’t you like that?
你要为未来打算 忘记过去
You must think of the future, dear, not the past.
瓜迪老师 声乐教学
不行 等一下 小姐
No. Now, look. Wait a moment, signorina.
没用的 宝拉 你根本不专心
There’s no use. Paula, you are not concentrating.
Your mind’s not on your singing.
你努力了这么多年 现在是怎么搞的
All these years you’ve worked so hard. Now what’s come over you?
这出歌♥剧是悲剧 你好像不懂
This opera is tragedy, signorina. You seem incapable of understanding.
Did you never hear your aunt sing Lucia?
You look like her.
但唱得没她好 我心里有数
But I don’t sing like her. I know.
瓜迪先生 能不能和你谈谈
Signor Guardi, may I speak to you seriously?
-很严肃的事 -老师
-Very seriously. -Maestro.
It is 10 minutes to the hour.
若不继续上课 我就先失陪了
If you’re not continuing the lesson, I’d like to be excused.
-好吧 安东先生 -谢谢你 午安 小姐
-Very well, Signor Anton. -Thank you. Good afternoon, signorina.
Now, what is it you wish to say to me seriously?
“Very seriously.”
瓜迪先生 我努力过了
Signor Guardi, I’ve tried.
我拼命练习 但就是没用
I’ve worked hard, but it’s no use.
-我没那个嗓子 对吧 -问题不只是你的嗓子
-I haven’t the voice, have I? -The trouble is not in your voice alone.
Your heart is not in your singing anymore.
你每次来都显得更快乐 但唱得却愈来愈糟糕
Each time you come here now, you look happier and you sing worse.
宝拉 你是不是恋爱了
Tell me, Paula, you’re in love?
对 我不曾有过这种经验
Yes. It’s something that has never happened to me before…
something I never expected would happen…
but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed…
even my music, which used to mean so much to me.
你说得对 我现在唱歌♥时思绪都在别的地方游荡
Yes, you are right. My thoughts were wandering while singing just now.
我太快乐了 所以你才会说
I’m too happy. That’s why you said…
the tragedy was something I could never understand.
抱歉 我那样说太残酷了
I’m sorry. It was cruel of me to say that…
cruel and untrue.
Real tragedy has touched your life…
and very deeply.
But now there is a chance to forget tragedy, my child.
把握机会 忘记那段过去
Take it. Free yourself from the past…
也暂时抛弃你的歌♥唱事业 幸福快乐比艺术更重要
and forget your singing, too, for a while. Happiness is better than art.
Dear Maestro,
no one has ever been as kind to me as you have since she died.
Will you let me meet the man who is taking my pupil away from me?
好啊 当然
Yes, yes, of course.
You have a rendezvous with him.
The moment your lesson is over, you fly to him.
你来练唱他会不会吃醋 离开他这么久的时间
Is he jealous of your music, these hours you spend away from him?
Dear Maestro…
I don’t know when we’ll meet again.
Thank you.
-你告诉他了吗 -他主动提的 他不知道是谁
-Did you tell him? -He told me. He didn’t know who.
-他说了什么 -他说我应该追求自己的幸福
-What did he say? -He said I should take my happiness.
你原意吗 现在 你还在犹豫什么 宝拉
And will you? Now? Why do you still hesitate, Paula?
但我还不了解你 你有很多事我都不知道
But I don’t know you. I don’t know anything about you.
我对你也是如此 但我想娶你
Nor I about you, but I want to marry you.
-你害怕吗 -大概有一点吧
-Are you afraid? -I think I am, a little.
-怕我吗 -不是
-Of me? -No.
我从来不怕你 只是害怕快乐
No, never, but of happiness.
我从来没有这么快乐过 我觉得好像难以置信
I haven’t had a lot, and I feel I can’t trust it.
You must give me time to get used to the idea.
你需要多久都没关系 我已经等了你很久
You shall have all the time you want. I’ve waited for you so long.
等 我们才认识两个礼拜耶
Waited? We’ve only known each other two weeks.
我等了一辈子才认识你 再等一段时间也无妨
I’ve waited all my life till now. I can wait a little longer.
But it will not be easy to wait,
要有耐心 每天都要见到你
to be patient, seeing you every day.
No, it won’t be easy for me, either.
-我要离开这里 -离开
-I should go away. -Go away?
独处一个礼拜 一个礼拜就好
By myself for a week, only a week…
只是想搞清楚自己在做什么 只是为了确定一下
just to know what I’m doing, just to be sure.
-你要去哪里 -可能是去湖边吧
-Where will you go? -I thought perhaps to the Lakes.
-你几时出发 -明天吧
-And when will you go? -I thought tomorrow.
-明天 -太快了吗
-Tomorrow? -Is that too soon?
不会 你愈早去就愈快回来
No, the sooner you go, the sooner you will come back.
但你不在的这段期间 别忘了我在这里等你
But while you’re away, never forget for one moment I’m here waiting…
and in love with you.
My dearest.
天哪 我的老天
Oh, my goodness! Good gracious!
-太刺♥激♥了 -你那本书吗
-It’s so exciting. -Your book?
对 故事是叙述一个女孩嫁给一个男人 结果呢
Yes. It’s about a girl who marries a man, and what do you think?
-他在地窖里埋葬了六任的老婆 -好像太多了吧
-He’s got six wives buried in the cellar. -That seems a lot.
对 我才看了两百页接下来一定更刺♥激♥
Yes, and I’m only on Page 200, so I’m sure there’s still more to come.
-这本书很棒 -听起来有点可怕
-It’s a wonderful book. -It sounds a little gruesome.
对 我偶而喜欢看凶杀小说
Yes. I’m afraid I enjoy a good murder now and then.
My brother always calls me “Bloodthirsty Bessie.”
-吃块饼干吧 -谢谢你
-Have a biscuit, dear. -Thank you.
消化饼干 名字不太好听吧
Digestive biscuits. Unpleasant name, isn’t it?
I always call them “diggy biscuits.”
I never travel without them.
-你不是英国人吧 -不是
-You’re not English, are you? -No.
我在伦敦长大 我姨妈住伦敦
I was brought up there. My aunt lived in London.
-你正要去伦敦吗 -不是 我要去科木湖
-Are you on your way there now? -No. I’m going to Lake Como.
-就你一个人 -对 就我一个人
-All by yourself? -Yes, all by myself.
-这样好吗 -应该不会怎样吧
-But is that wise? -I don’t think any harm will come to me.
我要去伦敦 春天一定要去伦敦过
I’m going to London. I must be in London for the spring.
报春花 黄水仙和郁金香
The crocuses, you know, and the daffodils and the tulips.
The gardens are so beautiful in the spring.
I say “Good morning” to my flowers in Thornton Square every day.
-桑顿广场 -对 我住桑顿广场16号♥
-Thornton Square? -Yes. That’s where I live, Number 16.
Do you know it?
-我知道桑顿广场 -那里有你认识的人吗
-I know Thornton Square. -Do you know anyone living there?
-曾经有过 但已经不在了 -不知道是哪一位
-I used to. Not anymore. -I wonder who that could be.
I know almost everyone who lives there now.
大家相处融洽 经常互串门子
We’re all so very friendly, popping in and out of each other’s houses.
-你朋友是住在几号♥ -我不记得了
-What number did your friends live at? -I’m afraid I don’t remember.
You know, we had a real, live murder there.
Yes, I’d heard of it.
Unfortunately, it’s before I went to live there, just a year before.
Ten years ago, at Number 9, a famous singer called Alice Alquist.
-再吃一块饼干吧 -不了 谢谢你
-Have another biscuit, dear. -No, thank you.
那件命案很离奇 凶手一直没有抓到
It was a most mysterious case. They never found out who killed her.
They never even found a motive.
I’ve tried to get in the house many a time.
我觉得很刺♥激♥ 你不觉得吗 我只是想进去看看
I think it’s so exciting. Don’t you? I mean, just to see.
Nothing’s been changed…
-家具和其他摆饰都没动过 -好像到科木湖了
-all the furniture and everything… -I think we’re getting into Como.
So we are.
-有人会来接你吗 -没有
-Is anyone meeting you? -No.
-你一定要小心一点 -我会的 再见
-You will be careful, won’t you? -I will. Goodbye.
再见 去伦敦时再来找我
Goodbye. Come and see me if you’re ever in London.
我姓史威兹 史威兹小姐
My name is Thwaites, Miss Thwaites.
I’ll point out the window of the room in Number 9 where it happened.