-会有副作用的 -听着 白♥痴♥
-It could backfire. -Listen to me, idiot.
我说可以就可以 白♥痴♥ 这主意绝佳
I do the thinking here, you idiot. It’s a magnificent idea.
You know what I think about you and your campaign?
吉恩 你要去哪 我需要你
Gene, where you going? I need you.
欧尼尔 听见吗
O’Neal, do you read me?
是的 长官
Yes, sir.
干得漂亮 士兵
That’s one hell of a job, soldier.
That’s one hell of a job.
是的 长官
Roger that, sir.
对不起 我已答应接受
Sorry, folks, I’ve already promised my story as an exclusive…
…to another reporter.
我们成功了 这是独家 安琪 你太漂亮了
We did it! We got the exclusive! Audrey, you’re beautiful.
-我们 我认为不是 -记住 你为我工作
-We did? I don’t think so. -Remember, you work for me.
再也不了 我不干了
Not anymore, Chuck. I quit.
-但你 -她不干了
-But you… -She quits.
安琪 安琪
Audrey. Audrey.
Did you take the tape from the camera?
-不可能不见了 -费利普在哪
-I mean, I couldn’t have just lost it. -Where’s Philippe?
喂 喂
Hello? Hello?
-是费利普 -你在哪里
-It’s Philippe. -Where are you?
Tell you friend I’ll send the tape…
…after I’ve removed a few items from it.
-明白 -我要说再见了
-I understand. -I just wanted to say au revoir.
谢谢你们的帮助 朋友
Thank you for your help, my friend.
等等 喂
Well, wait… Hello?
Who was that French guy anyway?
Just some insurance guy.
他拿了我 他有提起录影带吗
Did he take my…? Did he say anything about my tape?
是的 他说了一些关于你录像带的事
Yeah, he said something about your tape.
-他拿了我的录像带 -是的 他拿了你的录像带
-Does he have my tape? -Yeah, he has your tape.
You’ll get it back.