Han Hong Poem: Cold Food Day – 韩翃《寒食》








[1] 寒食和清明都是传统节日,寒食即清明前一天。据说春秋战国时代,晋文公求贤,请介子推下山,介子推要在山上供养老母,不肯就职,宁愿被山火烧死也不肯离开母亲。晋文公为孝子所感动,规定三天禁止烧火做饭,所以叫作寒食节,可见传统文化对孝道的重视。

[2] 韩翃:公元754年进士,据《全唐诗话》说:“德宗时,制诰缺人,中书请之,曰与韩翃,时有与翃同名者,又具二人同进,御批‘春城无处不飞花’四句曰:‘与此韩翃。’”由此可见这首诗在当时多么著名。民间寒食禁火,但并不禁贵族,这也是古代贵族和平民之间的矛盾之一。

[3] 春城:春天的城市,此处指唐都长安。

[4] 御柳:皇宫中的杨柳。

[5] 汉宫:此处代指唐宫。

[6] 传蜡烛:指由皇帝赏赐蜡烛。

[7] 五侯:泛指皇亲国戚。

Cold Food Day

Han Hong

Nowhere in spring town but willow down falls from trees,

On Cold Food Day royal willows slant in east breeze.

At dusk the palace sends privileged candles red

To the five lordly mansions where wreaths of smoke spread.


“Cold Food Day” is a seven-line poem written by the Tang Dynasty poet Han swarmers. The first two lines are about the daytime scenery, describing the charming spring scenery of willow fluttering and falling red throughout Chang’an City and the scenery in the palace gardens; the second two lines are about the night scenery. The poem is full of enchantment with the spring colors of the imperial city and singing about the prosperity and peace of the world, and at the same time implies a euphemism for sarcasm. The poem focuses on the description of the scenery, and is written in a realistic way with white descriptions. It is well-structured, contains multiple twists and turns, and is subtle with a far-reaching meaning.
