


  1. Harbinger of spring: 春天的先兆
  2. Harbinger of change: 变化的先兆
  3. Harbinger of doom: 劫数的先兆
  4. Harbinger of success: 成功的先兆
  5. Harbinger of joy: 快乐的先兆
  6. Harbinger of peace: 和平的先兆
  7. Harbinger of love: 爱的先兆
  8. Harbinger of hope: 希望的先兆
  9. Harbinger of happiness: 幸福的先兆
  10. Harbinger of prosperity: 繁荣的先兆
  11. Harbinger of good news: 好消息的先兆
  12. Harbinger of bad news: 坏消息的先兆
  13. Harbinger of success: 成功的先驱
  14. Harbinger of change: 变革的先驱
  15. Harbinger of transformation: 变化的先驱
  16. Harbinger of growth: 成长的先驱
  17. Harbinger of innovation: 创新的先驱
  18. Harbinger of opportunity: 机会的先驱
  19. Harbinger of progress: 进步的先驱
  20. Harbinger of revolution: 革命的先驱
  21. Harbinger of new beginnings: 新起点的先驱
  22. Harbinger of success: 成功的预兆
  23. Harbinger of disaster: 灾难的预兆
  24. Harbinger of change: 变革的预兆
  25. Harbinger of hope: 希望的预兆
  26. Harbinger of happiness: 幸福的预兆
  27. Harbinger of love: 爱的预兆
  28. Harbinger of progress: 进步的预兆
  29. Harbinger of unity: 团结的预兆
  30. Harbinger of success: 成功的征兆
  31. Harbinger of fortune: 好运的征兆
  32. Harbinger of change: 变化的征兆
  33. Harbinger of peace: 和平的征兆
  34. Harbinger of prosperity: 繁荣的征兆
  35. Harbinger of joy: 快乐的征兆
  36. Harbinger of love: 爱情的征兆
  37. Harbinger of hope: 希望的征兆
  38. Harbinger of success: 成功的前兆
  39. Harbinger of danger: 危险的前兆
  40. Harbinger of change: 变革的前兆
  41. Harbinger of transformation: 转变的前兆
  42. Harbinger of progress: 进步的前兆
  43. Harbinger of opportunity: 机会的前兆
  44. Harbinger of growth: 成长的前兆
  45. Harbinger of innovation: 创新的前兆
  46. Harbinger of success: 成功的标志
  47. Harbinger of new beginnings: 新开始的标志
  48. Harbinger of hope: 希望的标志
  49. Harbinger of happiness: 幸福的标志
  50. Harbinger of transformation: 转变的标志


harbinger (HAR bin jer) This noun refers to a forerunner, an early warning or messenger of what’s to come. Its interesting origin derives from a person sent ahead to provide lodging for one to come. (If you’ve traveled in Francophone Canada or France, you may hear a hint of the word “auberge” or inn.)

•The robin is famous as a harbinger of spring, no matter what the calendar might say.

•Getting an A on his first paper in anthropology class was a harbinger of the fact that he would win the Margaret Mead Prize at the end of the year.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
harbinger(HAR bin jer)这个名词指的是未来的预兆、预警或信使。它有趣的起源源于一个人被派去为未来的人提供住宿。(如果你在加拿大或法国旅行过,你可能会听到“茄子”或“客栈”这个词的暗示。)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
