Huang Chao Poem: To the Chrisanthemum – 黄巢《题菊花》








[1] 西风:这里指秋风,因为古人用四个方向来比说四个季节:东为春,南为夏,西为秋,北为冬。

[2] 青帝:古代指司春之神。

To the Chrisanthemum

Huang Chao

In soughing western wind you blossom far and nigh;

Your fragrance is too cold to invite butterfly.

Some day if I as Lord of Spring come into power,

I’d order you to bloom together with peach flower.

The poet was the leader of peasant uprising by the end of the Tang Dynasty.


A poem entitled “To the Chrisanthemum” is a poem written by Huang Chao, the leader of the peasant rebellion at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and it is published in Volume 733 of The Complete Tang Poems. The poem uses the technique of simile to express the author’s ambition to dominate society. The poem is unusual in that it has a bold imagination full of romantic passion: once he becomes the god of spring, he will let chrysanthemums and peach blossoms open in the beautiful spring light, and let chrysanthemums also enjoy the joy of warm pistils and fragrant bees and butterflies around them. This bold denial of the unjust “heavenly way” and the passionate longing for a better world in the ideal reflect the poet’s visionary vision beyond the values of the feudal literati and his boldness to master and change his own destiny.
