

  1. importune for help: 强求帮助
  2. importune for money: 强求钱财
  3. importune for attention: 强求关注
  4. importune for a favor: 强求恩惠
  5. importune for forgiveness: 强求宽恕
  6. importune for answers: 强求答案
  7. importune for support: 强求支持
  8. importune for an opportunity: 强求机会
  9. importune for an explanation: 强求解释
  10. importune for understanding: 强求理解
  11. importune for a job: 强求工作
  12. importune for a date: 强求约会
  13. importune for a promotion: 强求晋升
  14. importune for a loan: 强求贷款
  15. importune for a favor: 强求帮助
  16. importune for attention: 强求关注
  17. importune for assistance: 强求协助
  18. importune for feedback: 强求反馈
  19. importune for advice: 强求建议
  20. importune for information: 强求信息
  21. importune for an appointment: 强求约见
  22. importune for a favor: 强求恩惠
  23. importune for understanding: 强求理解
  24. importune for cooperation: 强求合作
  25. importune for permission: 强求许可
  26. importune for patience: 强求耐心
  27. importune for a raise: 强求加薪
  28. importune for forgiveness: 强求宽恕
  29. importune for support: 强求支持
  30. importune for an explanation: 强求解释
  31. importune for assistance: 强求协助
  32. importune for feedback: 强求反馈
  33. importune for advice: 强求建议
  34. importune for information: 强求信息
  35. importune for an appointment: 强求约见
  36. importune for a favor: 强求恩惠
  37. importune for understanding: 强求理解
  38. importune for cooperation: 强求合作
  39. importune for permission: 强求许可
  40. importune for patience: 强求耐心
  41. importune for a raise: 强求加薪
  42. importune for forgiveness: 强求宽恕
  43. importune for support: 强求支持
  44. importune for an explanation: 强求解释
  45. importune for assistance: 强求协助
  46. importune for feedback: 强求反馈
  47. importune for advice: 强求建议
  48. importune for information: 强求信息
  49. importune for an appointment: 强求约见
  50. importune for a favor: 强求恩惠



importune (im por TOON) This verb refers to the making of insistent requests, pleading so often that the person on the receiving end may become irked. The word origin—Latin for “not a refuge” seems to foresee the likeliness of an unhappy outcome.

•His teacher’s repeated assertions that his midterm grade was accurate did nothing to stop Vance from continuing to importune her to change it.

•Shakespeare’s Desdemona repeatedly importuned her husband Othello to forgive Cassio’s drunken behavior, thus unknowingly playing into the hands of the plotting of evil Iago.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
importune(im por TOON)这个动词指的是不断提出要求,经常恳求对方,使对方感到厌烦。拉丁语中“不是避难所”一词的起源似乎预示着不幸结局的可能性。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
