

  1. Internecine conflict: 内讧
  2. Internecine warfare: 内战
  3. Internecine power struggle: 内斗的权力斗争
  4. Internecine rivalries: 内部敌对关系
  5. Internecine feuds: 内斗的世仇
  6. Internecine battles: 内战
  7. Internecine political disputes: 内部政治争端
  8. Internecine strife: 内斗
  9. Internecine hostilities: 内部敌对行动
  10. Internecine conflicts within the organization: 组织内部的内讧
  11. Internecine divisions: 内部分裂
  12. Internecine power clashes: 内斗的权力冲突
  13. Internecine struggles for control: 内部争夺控制权
  14. Internecine factional disputes: 内部派系争端
  15. Internecine battles for supremacy: 内斗的统治地位之争
  16. Internecine warfare between rival gangs: 敌对帮派之间的内战
  17. Internecine conflict within the family: 家庭内部的内讧
  18. Internecine clashes over ideology: 关于意识形态的内斗冲突
  19. Internecine power struggles in politics: 政治中的内斗权力斗争
  20. Internecine quarrels among friends: 朋友之间的内部争吵


internecine (inter NES en or inter NEES en) This adjective has come to mean intra-group struggle or destruction. (Should you see it in literature earlier than the late eighteenth century, it will lack that “internal” sense. A famous seventeenth-century poem uses “intestinal” to describe civil war.)

  • The War between the States is one of the bloodiest examples of internecine conflict in military records.
  • My very literate mother yelled down to my brother and me that we should stop our internecine squabbling.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
inter NES en或inter NEES en)这个形容词的意思是集团内部的斗争或破坏。(如果你在早于18世纪晚期的文学作品中看到它,它将缺乏“内在”的感觉。一首著名的17世纪诗歌用“肠道”来描述内战。)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
