

  1. hurl invective: 恶言相向
  2. vitriolic invective: 刻薄的谩骂
  3. spew invective: 喷射恶言
  4. vicious invective: 恶毒的谩骂
  5. personal invective: 人身攻击
  6. political invective: 政治谩骂
  7. harsh invective: 严厉的谩骂
  8. unleash invective: 发泄谩骂
  9. direct invective at: 将谩骂直接指向
  10. invective-laden speech: 充满谩骂的演讲
  11. hateful invective: 令人憎恶的谩骂
  12. venomous invective: 毒舌的谩骂
  13. rampant invective: 猖獗的谩骂
  14. shower invective: 倾泻谩骂
  15. respond with invective: 以谩骂回应
  16. sling invective: 投掷谩骂
  17. venomous invective: 恶毒的谩骂
  18. scathing invective: 尖刻的谩骂
  19. public invective: 公开谩骂
  20. vulgar invective: 粗俗的谩骂
  21. launch invective against: 对…发起谩骂
  22. exchange invective: 交换谩骂
  23. diatribe of invective: 一连串的谩骂
  24. unleash a torrent of invective: 喷发一连串的谩骂
  25. spew invective at: 对…口出恶言
  26. hurl invective at: 对…大肆谩骂
  27. spew invective-filled rants: 喷射充满谩骂的言论
  28. respond with a barrage of invective: 以连珠炮般的谩骂回应
  29. invective and insults: 谩骂和侮辱
  30. respond with scathing invective: 以尖刻的谩骂回应
  31. shower invective on: 倾泻谩骂到…
  32. relentless invective: 不断的谩骂
  33. exchange a volley of invective: 互相谩骂
  34. direct invective towards: 将谩骂指向…
  35. respond with venomous invective: 以恶毒的谩骂回应
  36. engage in invective-filled arguments: 进行充满谩骂的争论
  37. trade invective: 交换谩骂
  38. respond with a tirade of invective: 以一连串的谩骂回应
  39. respond with vile invective: 以卑劣的谩骂回应
  40. direct invective at one’s opponents: 将谩骂直接指向对手



invective (in VEK tive) This noun is not so much an angry speech as it is a description of harsh and abusive language. The verb form “to inveigh” (in VAY) is used with “against.” When one inveighs against something, one vehemently protests against it or attacks it.

•In a speech full of invective, Mr. Watson criticized his employees for their lack of creativity and their unwillingness to work overtime under deadline pressure.

Inveighing against the long hours, minimum wages, and poor benefits, Mr. Watson’s employees went on strike, refusing to manufacture any more widgets until conditions improved at the plant.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
谩骂(在VEK动词中)这个名词与其说是一种愤怒的言语,不如说是对严厉和辱骂性语言的描述。动词形式“to inveigh”(在VAY中)与“反对”连用。当一个人对某事物进行谩骂时,他会强烈抗议或攻击它。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
