

  1. junoesque beauty: 朱诺式美丽
  2. junoesque figure: 朱诺式身材
  3. junoesque stature: 朱诺式身材
  4. junoesque presence: 朱诺式风采
  5. junoesque grace: 朱诺式优雅
  6. junoesque elegance: 朱诺式优雅
  7. junoesque charm: 朱诺式魅力
  8. junoesque poise: 朱诺式沉着
  9. junoesque profile: 朱诺式侧面
  10. junoesque appearance: 朱诺式外貌
  11. junoesque silhouette: 朱诺式剪影
  12. junoesque allure: 朱诺式吸引力
  13. junoesque magnetism: 朱诺式磁性
  14. junoesque dignity: 朱诺式尊严
  15. junoesque grandeur: 朱诺式庄严
  16. junoesque regality: 朱诺式尊贵
  17. junoesque composure: 朱诺式镇定
  18. junoesque presence: 朱诺式气场
  19. junoesque aura: 朱诺式光环
  20. junoesque radiance: 朱诺式光彩
  21. junoesque allure: 朱诺式魅力
  22. junoesque magnetism: 朱诺式磁性
  23. junoesque elegance: 朱诺式优雅
  24. junoesque grace: 朱诺式风采
  25. junoesque beauty: 朱诺式美丽
  26. junoesque charm: 朱诺式魅力
  27. junoesque poise: 朱诺式沉着
  28. junoesque figure: 朱诺式身材
  29. junoesque presence: 朱诺式风采
  30. junoesque stature: 朱诺式身材
  31. junoesque elegance: 朱诺式优雅
  32. junoesque grace: 朱诺式风采
  33. junoesque charm: 朱诺式魅力
  34. junoesque poise: 朱诺式沉着
  35. junoesque profile: 朱诺式侧面
  36. junoesque appearance: 朱诺式外貌
  37. junoesque silhouette: 朱诺式剪影
  38. junoesque allure: 朱诺式吸引力
  39. junoesque magnetism: 朱诺式磁性
  40. junoesque dignity: 朱诺式尊严
  41. junoesque grandeur: 朱诺式庄严
  42. junoesque regality: 朱诺式尊贵
  43. junoesque composure: 朱诺式镇定
  44. junoesque presence: 朱诺式气场
  45. junoesque aura: 朱诺式光环
  46. junoesque radiance: 朱诺式光彩
  47. junoesque allure: 朱诺式魅力
  48. junoesque magnetism: 朱诺式磁性
  49. junoesque elegance: 朱诺式优雅
  50. junoesque grace: 朱诺式风采


junoesque (joo no ESK) This adjective, reserved for women, is a compli-ment that comes via the Roman goddess Juno. It describes a woman who is unusually tall and stately and so beautiful as to seem divine. Since Juno was the wife of the head honcho Jupiter, she deserves to give her name to this word (as well as to the month of June, even today associated with weddings).

  • Members of the Springfield High Film Club, who watched the 1960s film La Dolce Vita, enjoyed seeing the junoesque Anita Ekberg frolicking in a Roman fountain.
  • While one of the finalists for the title of Miss America was cute and petite, the two others were positively junoesque.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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junoesque(joo no ESK)这个形容词是专为女性而设的,是通过罗马女神朱诺(Juno)而来的。它描述了一个异常高大、端庄、美丽得像神一样的女人。因为朱诺是朱庇特酋长的妻子,所以她应该给这个词起个名字(也应该给六月起个名字,即使今天和婚礼有关)。
•斯普林菲尔德高级电影俱乐部的成员们观看了20世纪60年代的电影《La Dolce Vita》,他们很喜欢看到安妮塔·埃克伯格(Anita Ekberg)在罗马喷泉中嬉戏。


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
