

  1. labyrinthine maze: 错综复杂的迷宫
  2. labyrinthine structure: 错综复杂的结构
  3. labyrinthine corridors: 曲折的走廊
  4. labyrinthine network: 错综复杂的网络
  5. labyrinthine passages: 迂回曲折的通道
  6. labyrinthine architecture: 错综复杂的建筑风格
  7. labyrinthine plot: 错综复杂的情节
  8. labyrinthine puzzle: 迷一般的谜题
  9. labyrinthine pathways: 弯曲的路径
  10. labyrinthine design: 错综复杂的设计
  11. labyrinthine cave: 错综复杂的洞穴
  12. labyrinthine system: 错综复杂的系统
  13. labyrinthine twists and turns: 错综复杂的曲折
  14. labyrinthine road: 弯弯曲曲的道路
  15. labyrinthine forest: 错综复杂的森林
  16. labyrinthine journey: 迷一般的旅程
  17. labyrinthine pattern: 错综复杂的图案
  18. labyrinthine path: 弯弯曲曲的道路
  19. labyrinthine structure of the brain: 大脑的错综复杂结构
  20. labyrinthine tunnels: 迷宫般的隧道
  21. labyrinthine complexity: 错综复杂的复杂性
  22. labyrinthine passages of time: 时间的迂回曲折
  23. labyrinthine logic: 错综复杂的逻辑
  24. labyrinthine process: 错综复杂的过程
  25. labyrinthine riddles: 迷一般的谜语
  26. labyrinthine turns and twists: 错综复杂的转折
  27. labyrinthine journey of self-discovery: 自我发现的迷一般的旅程
  28. labyrinthine path to success: 成功的错综复杂之路
  29. labyrinthine complexity of relationships: 关系的错综复杂性
  30. labyrinthine structure of society: 社会的错综复杂结构
  31. labyrinthine plot twists: 错综复杂的情节转折
  32. labyrinthine web of lies: 错综复杂的谎言网络
  33. labyrinthine paths of the mind: 心灵的错综复杂之路
  34. labyrinthine secrets: 迷一般的秘密
  35. labyrinthine journey through history: 历史中的迷一般的旅程
  36. labyrinthine caves and tunnels: 错综复杂的洞穴和隧道
  37. labyrinthine twists of fate: 命运的错综复杂转折
  38. labyrinthine structure of language: 语言的错综复杂结构
  39. labyrinthine network of relationships: 关系的错综复杂网络
  40. labyrinthine exploration: 错综复杂的探索
  41. labyrinthine pathways of thought: 思维的错综复杂之路
  42. labyrinthine corridors of power: 权力的错综复杂走廊
  43. labyrinthine twists and turns of the plot: 情节的错综复杂曲折
  44. labyrinthine journey through the subconscious: 潜意识的迷一般旅程
  45. labyrinthine nature of bureaucracy: 官僚主义的错综复杂本质
  46. labyrinthine structure of information: 信息的错综复杂结构
  47. labyrinthine path to enlightenment: 觉悟的错综复杂之路
  48. labyrinthine twists of destiny: 命运的错综复杂转折
  49. labyrinthine world of dreams: 梦境的错综复杂世界
  50. labyrinthine journey of the soul: 灵魂的迷一般旅程



labyrinthine (lab er IN thin or lab er IN theen) If you remember the maze that confined the minotaur in Greek mythology, then you’ll understand this adjective. It describes something that has the qualities of a laby-rinth or maze—an intricate structure of interconnected passages. Like something that is convoluted, something that is labyrinthine can be very confusing. It describes situations or places, not people.

•The inside of the school was so labyrinthine that Megan could not find her way to her history class and wandered the halls for hours.

•Christos’s excuse was so labyrinthine that no one was convinced that he was innocent.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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迷宫(lab er IN thin或lab er intheen)如果你还记得希腊神话中限制牛头人的迷宫,那么你就会理解这个形容词。它描述了一种具有迷宫或迷宫性质的东西,一种由相互连接的通道组成的复杂结构。就像一些错综复杂的东西一样,一些迷宫般的东西可能会让人很困惑。它描述的是情况或地点,而不是人。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
