

  1. a liminal space: 过渡空间
  2. a liminal state: 过渡状态
  3. the liminal phase: 过渡阶段
  4. the liminal boundary: 过渡边界
  5. the liminal threshold: 过渡阈值
  6. a liminal experience: 过渡经历
  7. the liminal period: 过渡时期
  8. the liminal zone: 过渡区域
  9. a liminal moment: 过渡时刻
  10. the liminal stage: 过渡阶段
  11. a liminal state of mind: 过渡的心境
  12. a liminal state of being: 过渡的存在状态
  13. the liminal space between two worlds: 两个世界之间的过渡空间
  14. the liminal nature of adolescence: 青春期的过渡性质
  15. a liminal state between sleep and wakefulness: 在睡眠和清醒之间的过渡状态
  16. the liminal space where possibilities emerge: 可能性涌现的过渡空间
  17. the liminal phase of transformation: 变革的过渡阶段
  18. a liminal threshold of understanding: 理解的过渡门槛
  19. the liminal boundary between fantasy and reality: 幻想与现实之间的过渡边界
  20. a liminal experience that changes one’s perspective: 改变观点的过渡经历
  21. the liminal period of personal growth: 个人成长的过渡时期
  22. a liminal zone of uncertainty: 不确定的过渡区域
  23. the liminal moment of decision: 决定的过渡时刻
  24. the liminal stage of artistic creation: 艺术创作的过渡阶段
  25. a liminal state of emotional vulnerability: 情感上脆弱的过渡状态
  26. the liminal space between tradition and innovation: 传统与创新之间的过渡空间
  27. a liminal state of anticipation: 期待的过渡状态
  28. the liminal phase of healing: 愈合的过渡阶段
  29. a liminal state of uncertainty and possibility: 不确定和可能性的过渡状态
  30. the liminal boundary where cultures intersect: 文化交汇的过渡边界


liminal (LIM in ul) Neither high nor low, neither in nor out—liminal describes something in between, on the edge. It comes from the Latin word meaning “threshold.”

When the lovers in A Midsummer Night’s Dream leave the city of Athens, they find themselves in the uncharted forest, a liminal area not bound by values established by the laws of the city.

Many ethical questions related to new developments in science are in a liminal state: many sincere people do not know what position to take.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
liminal(LIM in ul)既不高也不低,既不入也不出liminal描述了介于两者之间的东西。它来自拉丁语,意思是“门槛”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
