

  1. Literary luminary: 文学名流
  2. Political luminary: 政治名流
  3. Cultural luminary: 文化名人
  4. Scientific luminary: 科学巨匠
  5. Intellectual luminary: 知识界权威
  6. Business luminary: 商界名人
  7. Artistic luminary: 艺术界名人
  8. Musical luminary: 音乐界巨星
  9. Sports luminary: 体育界名人
  10. Hollywood luminary: 好莱坞巨星
  11. Nobel laureate: 诺贝尔奖获得者
  12. Political luminary: 政治领袖
  13. Cultural luminary: 文化偶像
  14. Fashion luminary: 时尚界名流
  15. Tech luminary: 科技界巨擘
  16. Social luminary: 社交界名流
  17. Humanitarian luminary: 人道主义者
  18. Business luminary: 商界巨头
  19. Literary luminary: 文坛巨匠
  20. Philanthropic luminary: 慈善家
  21. Entertainment luminary: 娱乐界名人
  22. Historical luminary: 历史人物
  23. Cultural luminary: 文化领袖
  24. Scientific luminary: 科学界先锋
  25. Academic luminary: 学术名人
  26. Creative luminary: 创意巨星
  27. Political luminary: 政治家
  28. Art luminary: 艺术巨匠
  29. Literary luminary: 文学巨擘
  30. Film luminary: 影坛名人
  31. Music luminary: 音乐界名家
  32. Fashion luminary: 时尚偶像
  33. Sports luminary: 体育明星
  34. Cultural luminary: 文化先锋
  35. Business luminary: 商界领袖
  36. Media luminary: 媒体名人
  37. Academic luminary: 学术权威
  38. Artistic luminary: 艺术大师
  39. Technology luminary: 科技巨头
  40. Creative luminary: 创意领袖
  41. Nobel luminary: 诺贝尔奖得主
  42. Celebrity luminary: 名人
  43. Leadership luminary: 领导者
  44. Intellectual luminary: 知识精英
  45. Cultural luminary: 文化巨星
  46. Science luminary: 科学家
  47. Literary luminary: 文学先锋
  48. Business luminary: 商界名流
  49. Philanthropy luminary: 慈善界巨擘
  50. Fashion luminary: 时尚明星


luminary (LOO min air ee) This noun comes from the same Latin root as “illuminate” and “luminous” and means “an object that produces light.” Perhaps more commonly, however, it refers to people—experts in their field—who serve as an inspiration to others.

  • The panel on the meanings and uses of slang was hosted by Noam Chomsky and various other luminaries who specialize in linguistics.
  • Candles, lanterns, sconces, and other luminary devices are sold online at discount prices at a website called “Lights R Us.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
luminary(LOO min air ee)这个名词与 “illuminate “和 “luminous “来自同一个拉丁词根,意思是 “产生光线的物体”。然而,也许更常见的是,它指的是人–在其领域中的专家–对他人起到激励作用。


蜡烛、灯笼、壁炉和其他发光体设备在一个名为 “Lights R Us “的网站上以折扣价出售。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
