


  1. mendicant monk: 行乞修道士
  2. mendicant order: 乞丐修会
  3. mendicant lifestyle: 乞丐生活方式
  4. mendicant tradition: 行乞传统
  5. mendicant begging: 乞讨
  6. mendicant friar: 行乞修士
  7. mendicant robe: 乞丐长袍
  8. mendicant life: 乞丐生活
  9. mendicant community: 乞丐社区
  10. mendicant spirit: 行乞精神
  11. mendicant poverty: 乞丐贫困
  12. mendicant lifestyle: 行乞的生活方式
  13. mendicant tradition: 乞丐的传统
  14. mendicant order: 乞丐修会
  15. mendicant friar: 行乞的修道士
  16. mendicant monk: 行乞的僧侣
  17. mendicant begging: 乞丐行乞
  18. mendicant life: 行乞的生活
  19. mendicant community: 乞丐社区
  20. mendicant poverty: 乞丐贫困
  21. mendicant lifestyle: 乞丐的生活方式
  22. mendicant spirit: 行乞的精神
  23. mendicant robe: 乞丐的长袍
  24. mendicant lifestyle: 行乞者的生活方式
  25. mendicant tradition: 乞丐的传统
  26. mendicant spirituality: 行乞者的灵性
  27. mendicant brotherhood: 乞丐的兄弟会
  28. mendicant practice: 行乞的实践
  29. mendicant lifestyle: 乞丐的生活方式
  30. mendicant community: 行乞者社区
  31. mendicant tradition: 乞丐的传统
  32. mendicant lifestyle: 行乞生活
  33. mendicant poverty: 行乞贫穷
  34. mendicant order: 行乞修会
  35. mendicant friar: 行乞修士
  36. mendicant monk: 行乞僧侣
  37. mendicant begging: 行乞乞讨
  38. mendicant life: 行乞生活
  39. mendicant community: 行乞者社区
  40. mendicant spirit: 行乞精神
  41. mendicant robe: 行乞长袍
  42. mendicant lifestyle: 行乞者的生活方式
  43. mendicant tradition: 行乞的传统
  44. mendicant order: 乞丐修道会
  45. mendicant friar: 行乞的修士
  46. mendicant monk: 行乞的僧侣
  47. mendicant begging: 乞丐行乞
  48. mendicant life: 乞丐生活
  49. mendicant community: 乞丐社区
  50. mendicant poverty: 行乞者的贫困


mendicant (MEND ih kant) This noun moves us from begging as general pleading into begging for money, for help. A mendicant is a formal term for a beggar. It derives from the Latin word for “needy” and an associated root for “physical defect.”

•Jon has been reading about mendicant friars, those who took an oath of pov-erty and depended on their belief in the providence of God and the kindness of others for their very survival.

•Laurie and Lily had seen beggars in large cities in the United States, but they were unprepared for the number of mendicant children coming up to them on their foreign travels last summer.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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乞丐(MEND ih kant)这个名词使我们从一般的乞求转变为乞求金钱和帮助。乞丐是对乞丐的正式称呼。它源于拉丁语单词“穷困潦倒”和“身体缺陷”的相关词根

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
