


  1. mete out punishment: 给予惩罚
  2. mete out justice: 施行正义
  3. mete out rewards: 分配奖励
  4. mete out consequences: 引发后果
  5. mete out discipline: 施加纪律
  6. mete out vengeance: 追求报复
  7. mete out punishment fairly: 公正地处罚
  8. mete out a harsh sentence: 宣判严厉的刑罚
  9. mete out criticism: 进行批评
  10. mete out advice: 提供建议
  11. mete out retribution: 进行惩罚
  12. mete out consequences for one’s actions: 对某人的行为引发后果
  13. mete out punishment for a crime: 对犯罪进行处罚
  14. mete out a just punishment: 施以公正的惩罚
  15. mete out a fair judgment: 下达公正的判决
  16. mete out consequences for misconduct: 对不当行为引发后果
  17. mete out rewards based on performance: 根据绩效分配奖励
  18. mete out responsibilities to team members: 分配责任给团队成员
  19. mete out consequences for breaking rules: 对违反规定引发后果
  20. mete out consequences for dishonesty: 对不诚实行为引发后果
  21. mete out consequences for incompetence: 对无能引发后果
  22. mete out punishments proportionally: 按比例处罚
  23. mete out justice without bias: 公正施行正义
  24. mete out consequences for unethical behavior: 对不道德行为引发后果
  25. mete out discipline for misconduct: 对不当行为施加纪律
  26. mete out consequences for failure: 对失败引发后果
  27. mete out consequences for negligence: 对疏忽引发后果
  28. mete out consequences for insubordination: 对不服从引发后果
  29. mete out consequences for a breach of contract: 对违约行为引发后果
  30. mete out consequences for a violation: 对违反行为引发后果
  31. mete out consequences for a betrayal: 对背叛引发后果
  32. mete out consequences for an offense: 对冒犯引发后果
  33. mete out consequences for a mistake: 对错误引发后果
  34. mete out consequences for a wrongdoing: 对不当行为引发后果
  35. mete out consequences for a crime: 对犯罪引发后果
  36. mete out consequences for a violation of rules: 对违规引发后果
  37. mete out consequences for a breach of trust: 对背信弃义引发后果
  38. mete out consequences for a breach of confidentiality: 对泄露机密引发后果
  39. mete out consequences for a breach of ethics: 对违反伦理引发后果
  40. mete out consequences for a breach of security: 对违反安全引发后果
  41. mete out consequences for a breach of privacy: 对侵犯隐私引发后果
  42. mete out consequences for a breach of protocol: 对违反规程引发后果
  43. mete out consequences for a breach of discipline: 对违反纪律引发后果
  44. mete out consequences for a breach of contract: 对违反合同引发后果
  45. mete out consequences for a breach of agreement: 对违反协议引发后果
  46. mete out consequences for a breach of regulations: 对违反规定引发后果
  47. mete out consequences for a breach of policy: 对违反政策引发后果
  48. mete out consequences for a breach of trust: 对违反信任引发后果
  49. mete out consequences for a breach of loyalty: 对违反忠诚引发后果
  50. mete out consequences for a breach of faith: 对违背信仰引发后果


mete (rhymes with eat) This verb is virtually always used with “out.” “Mete out” means “to dole out, or to give, in a carefully measured way.” Pleasant things are seldom dealt with in so stingy a manner.

  • In the underworld depicted by the poet Dante, Minos metes out to sinners their precise punishment; he indicates the circle where they should go by wrapping his tail around himself a certain number of times.
  • As a Sunday afternoon treat, the stern father meted out to each child exactly four cashew nuts.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》
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mete(与eat押韵)这个动词实际上总是与“out”连用。“mete out”的意思是“以谨慎的方式发放或给予”。愉快的事情很少以如此吝啬的方式处理。


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
