

  1. Wicked miscreant: 邪恶的恶棍
  2. Troublesome miscreant: 惹麻烦的恶棍
  3. Criminal miscreant: 犯罪的恶棍
  4. Unrepentant miscreant: 不悔悟的恶棍
  5. Notorious miscreant: 臭名昭著的恶棍
  6. Deceitful miscreant: 欺诈的恶棍
  7. Violent miscreant: 暴力的恶棍
  8. Reckless miscreant: 鲁莽的恶棍
  9. Deviant miscreant: 偏离正道的恶棍
  10. Mischevious miscreant: 顽皮的恶棍
  11. Unruly miscreant: 骚乱的恶棍
  12. Dangerous miscreant: 危险的恶棍
  13. Cunning miscreant: 狡猾的恶棍
  14. Persistent miscreant: 执迷不悟的恶棍
  15. Fraudulent miscreant: 欺诈的恶棍
  16. Manipulative miscreant: 操纵的恶棍
  17. Disruptive miscreant: 扰乱秩序的恶棍
  18. Lawless miscreant: 无法无天的恶棍
  19. Corrupt miscreant: 腐败的恶棍
  20. Malicious miscreant: 恶意的恶棍
  21. Cunning miscreant: 狡猾的恶棍
  22. Nefarious miscreant: 邪恶的恶棍
  23. Ruthless miscreant: 无情的恶棍
  24. Menacing miscreant: 威胁的恶棍
  25. Treacherous miscreant: 背叛的恶棍
  26. Disgraceful miscreant: 可耻的恶棍
  27. Sneaky miscreant: 背地里的恶棍
  28. Unscrupulous miscreant: 毫无道德的恶棍
  29. Vicious miscreant: 恶毒的恶棍
  30. Infamous miscreant: 臭名昭著的恶棍
  31. Cunning miscreant: 狡猾的恶棍
  32. Rebellious miscreant: 反叛的恶棍
  33. Law-breaking miscreant: 违法的恶棍
  34. Sneering miscreant: 嘲笑的恶棍
  35. Heartless miscreant: 无情的恶棍
  36. Despicable miscreant: 卑劣的恶棍
  37. Destructive miscreant: 破坏性的恶棍


miscreant (MISS kree ent) In times and places where religious toleration was lacking, this noun could describe those who were considered infidels or heretics. Now it is more generally understood as a more equal-opportunity wrongdoer.

•On any given afternoon the waiting area of Principal Shattuck’s office is filled with young miscreants sent there by their frustrated teachers.

•In Leonard Bernstein’s musical Candide, set in the time of the Spanish Inquisition, the cruel Spanish priests round up the miscreants while the chorus sings “It’s a Glorious Day for an Auto-da-fe.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
•在伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)的音乐剧《糖果》(Candide)中,场景设定在西班牙宗教裁判所的年代,残忍的西班牙神父围捕歹徒,而合唱团唱着“这是汽车界的光荣日子”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
