


  1. Silly ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  2. Dopey ninny: 愚笨的傻瓜
  3. Clueless ninny: 毫无头绪的傻瓜
  4. Utter ninny: 彻头彻尾的傻瓜
  5. Complete ninny: 完全的傻瓜
  6. Absolute ninny: 绝对的傻瓜
  7. Witless ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  8. Foolish ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  9. Ignorant ninny: 无知的傻瓜
  10. Stupid ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  11. Clumsy ninny: 笨拙的傻瓜
  12. Gullible ninny: 易受骗的傻瓜
  13. Absurd ninny: 荒谬的傻瓜
  14. Nitwit ninny: 蠢货般的傻瓜
  15. Dim-witted ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  16. Bumbling ninny: 笨手笨脚的傻瓜
  17. Idiotic ninny: 白痴般的傻瓜
  18. Simple-minded ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  19. Dunderhead ninny: 笨头笨脑的傻瓜
  20. Absent-minded ninny: 心不在焉的傻瓜
  21. Witless ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  22. Incompetent ninny: 无能的傻瓜
  23. Nonsensical ninny: 荒谬的傻瓜
  24. Foolhardy ninny: 鲁莽的傻瓜
  25. Ridiculous ninny: 可笑的傻瓜
  26. Mindless ninny: 没头脑的傻瓜
  27. Dimwitted ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  28. Dull-witted ninny: 迟钝的傻瓜
  29. Giddy ninny: 神经质的傻瓜
  30. Gormless ninny: 无能的傻瓜
  31. Ignoramus ninny: 大无知的傻瓜
  32. Simpleton ninny: 愚笨的傻瓜
  33. Numbskull ninny: 笨脑袋的傻瓜
  34. Half-witted ninny: 半聪明的傻瓜
  35. Witless ninny: 愚蠢的傻瓜
  36. Noodle-headed ninny: 笨头笨脑的傻瓜
  37. Featherbrained ninny: 头脑简单的傻瓜
  38. Dizzy ninny: 头晕目眩的傻瓜
  39. Scatterbrained ninny: 心不在焉的傻瓜
  40. Befuddled ninny: 困惑的傻瓜
  41. Blockheaded ninny: 笨头笨脑的傻瓜
  42. Moonstruck ninny: 神经质的傻瓜
  43. Unintelligent ninny: 不聪明的傻瓜
  44. Thoughtless ninny: 没有思考的傻瓜
  45. Muddle-headed ninny: 头脑混乱的傻瓜
  46. Feather-headed ninny: 轻浮的傻瓜
  47. Scatterbrained ninny: 心不在焉的傻瓜
  48. Numskulled ninny: 笨脑袋的傻瓜
  49. Dim ninny: 笨的傻瓜
  50. Numpty ninny: 笨蛋傻瓜


ninny (NINN ee) Roughly synonymous with the word above, this noun has perhaps an even stronger sense of lack of intelligence or of overall silliness. Dictionary makers think it may be a shortened form of the dark side of innocence.

•Why, Brad wondered, should he be required to attend a session on career counseling and have some ninny who didn’t even know him tell him what he should do to earn a living?

•The title of John Ashbery and James Schuyler’s novel A Nest of Ninnies is self-explanatory: it concerns the doings of some very silly people.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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•约翰·阿什伯里(John Ashbery)和詹姆斯·舒勒(James Schuyler)的小说《忍者之巢》(A Nest of Ninnies)的标题不言自明:它涉及一些非常愚蠢的人的行为。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
