

词源:numinous一词最早出现于20世纪初的英国神秘主义哲学家Rudolf Otto的著作中,他在其著作《神的观念》(The Idea of the Holy)中首次使用了这个词。据说该词源于拉丁语“numen”,表示神的力量或存在。




  1. “It’s numinous. You don’t have to do anything.” – From the movie “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” (2017). Translation: “它很神秘,你什么也不用做。”
  2. “It’s numinous, it’s like a dream. It’s a very strong feeling.” – From the movie “The Horse Boy” (2009). Translation: “它很神秘,就像一个梦。这是一种非常强烈的感觉。”
  3. “I believe in a numinous world.” – From the movie “A Wrinkle in Time” (2018). Translation: “我相信有一个神秘的世界。”
  4. “It is numinous, is it not?” – From the movie “The Da Vinci Code” (2006). Translation: “这是神秘的,不是吗?”
  5. “The numinous mysteries are revealed to those who seek them.” – From the movie “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008). Translation: “只有那些寻找的人才能揭示神秘的奥秘。”



  1. “The sight of the ancient ruins was numinous, as if the spirits of the past were still present.” – 出自电视剧《时间旅行者的妻子》(Outlander)。翻译:“古老废墟的景象很神秘,仿佛过去的灵魂仍然在这里。”
  2. “The choir’s performance was truly numinous, lifting the audience to a higher realm.” – 出自电视剧《星际迷航:发现号》(Star Trek: Discovery)。翻译:“合唱团的表演真的很神秘,让观众升华到一个更高的境界。”
  3. “The numinous feeling of being in the presence of something greater than oneself can be overwhelming.” – 出自电视剧《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)。翻译:“身处比自己更伟大的事物的存在之中,那种神秘的感觉可能是压倒性的。”




  1. “The world was not created once and for all time for each of us individually. There are added to it in the course of our life things of which we have never had any suspicion.” – Marcel Proust, “The Captive” (1923). Translation: “这个世界不是一次性为我们每个人单独创造的。在我们的生活过程中,有些事情被添加进来,我们从未怀疑过。”
  2. “It was a numinous experience, an epiphany, a moment of revelation.” – Joyce Carol Oates, “The Accursed” (2013). Translation: “这是一次神秘的经历,一次启示,一刻揭示的时刻。”
  3. “There is something numinous in this place, something that fills me with a sense of awe and reverence.” – Herman Hesse, “Siddhartha” (1922). Translation: “这个地方有一种神秘的东西,一种使我充满敬畏和崇敬感的东西。”
  4. “The numinous presence of the divine was felt by all who entered the sacred space.” – Mircea Eliade, “The Sacred and the Profane” (1959). Translation: “所有进入神圣空间的人都能感受到神圣的神秘存在。”
  5. “The numinous beauty of the sunset filled him with a sense of wonder and gratitude.” – Virginia Woolf, “To the Lighthouse” (1927). Translation: “日落的神秘美丽让他充满了惊奇和感激之情。”




  1. 歌曲名称:The Mystic’s Dream 歌手:Loreena McKennitt 例句:”A numinous dream, enfolding and revealing”(一个神秘的梦,包容并揭示) 翻译:这句歌词表达了梦境中的神秘和启示。
  2. 歌曲名称:Summoning of the Muse 歌手:Dead Can Dance 例句:”From a life that’s just begun, to a love that cannot be undone, let me tell you in your sleep, of the bridges you have crossed, and the way your soul embarks, on a journey of a lifetime”(从刚刚开始的生命,到无法撤销的爱,让我在你的梦中告诉你,你曾经跨越的桥梁,以及你的灵魂踏上的旅程,一段终身难忘的旅程) 翻译:这句歌词描述了一个人经历的超越世俗的旅程,以及其对灵魂产生的影响。
  3. 歌曲名称:Beggar’s Prayer 歌手:Emilie Autumn 例句:”The numinous moon doth rise, and gleam upon my empty hands”(神秘的月亮升起,在我的空洞的双手上闪耀) 翻译:这句歌词描绘了一个人在孤独中观察自然的场景。
  4. 歌曲名称:Orbital 歌手:John Murphy 例句:”I saw a star explode and send out the building blocks of the universe. Other stars, other planets and eventually other life. A supernova, creation itself”(我看到一颗星星爆炸了,释放出宇宙的构建基块。其他的星球、行星,最终是其他的生命。超新星,创造本身) 翻译:这句歌词描述了超新星的形成,强调了自然界的神秘和奇妙。
  5. 歌曲名称:The Suburbs 歌手:Arcade Fire 例句:”Sometimes I can’t believe it, I’m moving past the feeling”(有时我都不敢相信,我已经超越了那种感觉) 翻译:这句歌词描述了一种人类对自我认知的超越,使得个体和周围世界的关系变得更加神秘和深奥。


  1. The cathedral’s towering spires and intricate stained glass windows gave it a numinous quality that left visitors in awe. (教堂高耸的尖塔和精美的彩色玻璃窗赋予了它一种神秘的质感,让游客们感到惊叹。)
  2. The deep forest at night can feel numinous, with shadows and sounds that seem to come from another world. (深夜的森林可能会让人感到神秘,那里的阴影和声音似乎来自另一个世界。)
  3. The shaman’s chanting and drumming created a numinous atmosphere that transported the participants to a different state of consciousness. (萨满的咏唱和击鼓营造了一种神秘的氛围,使参与者进入了不同的意识状态。)




numinous (NOO min us) This adjective means “having a supernatural presence” or “spiritually elevated.” It may come from the Greek word for “to nod,” as in expressing divine approval by nodding the head.

  • Dressed in a diaphanous (meaning “translucent” or “delicate”) white gown and appearing suddenly at the top of the stairs, Belle’s figure took on a numinous appearance in the candlelight.
  • Nature was numinous for the transcendental philosophers of the nineteenth century who believed that it was only through nature that individuals could know their own souls.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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  • 定义:Numinous 是一个形容词,用来描述某种超自然、神圣或超凡的力量或存在。它强调一种宗教或精神经验中的神秘感和庄严感,超越了日常现实的范畴。
  • 例句
    1. The ancient temple was imbued with a numinous atmosphere that left visitors in awe.(古老的神庙充满了神秘的氛围,令游客惊叹不已。)
    2. The painting evokes a numinous sense of spirituality that transcends earthly concerns.(这幅画唤起了一种超越尘世关切的神圣感。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 超自然的力量或存在
    • The forest is said to be filled with numinous beings and energies.(据说森林中充满了神秘的生物和能量。)
    • The mountain peak had a numinous quality that made it a sacred site for pilgrimages.(山顶具有一种神圣的品质,使其成为朝圣的圣地。)
  2. 宗教或精神经验中的神秘感和庄严感
    • The chanting of the monks created a numinous atmosphere in the temple.(僧侣的吟唱在寺庙中营造出一种神秘的氛围。)
    • The religious ceremony was filled with numinous rituals and symbols.(宗教仪式充满了神秘的仪式和象征。)
  3. 超越日常现实的范畴
    • The novel explores the protagonist’s quest for a numinous experience beyond the material world.(这部小说探索了主人公追求超越物质世界的神秘体验。)
    • The artist’s work is known for its ability to evoke a numinous connection with the divine.(这位艺术家的作品以唤起与神圣的神秘联系而闻名。)

总之,numinous 是一个形容词,用来描述某种超自然、神圣或超凡的力量或存在。它强调一种宗教或精神经验中的神秘感和庄严感,超越了日常现实的范畴。


  1. Numinous experience (神秘体验)
  2. Numinous presence (神圣的存在)
  3. Numinous feeling (神秘的感觉)
  4. Numinous atmosphere (神圣氛围)
  5. Numinous awe (神秘敬畏)
  6. Numinous power (神圣力量)
  7. Numinous aura (神秘光环)
  8. Numinous beauty (神秘美)
  9. Numinous realm (神圣领域)
  10. Numinous symbolism (神秘象征)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
