

  1. obfuscate the truth: 混淆真相
  2. obfuscate the issue: 模糊问题
  3. obfuscate the meaning: 混淆意义
  4. obfuscate the message: 混淆信息
  5. obfuscate the facts: 混淆事实
  6. obfuscate the details: 混淆细节
  7. obfuscate the process: 混淆过程
  8. obfuscate the intention: 混淆意图
  9. obfuscate the evidence: 混淆证据
  10. obfuscate the understanding: 混淆理解
  11. obfuscate the argument: 混淆论点
  12. obfuscate the situation: 混淆情况
  13. obfuscate the data: 混淆数据
  14. obfuscate the concept: 混淆概念
  15. obfuscate the reasoning: 混淆推理
  16. obfuscate the details: 混淆细节
  17. obfuscate the identity: 混淆身份
  18. obfuscate the code: 混淆代码
  19. obfuscate the instructions: 混淆指令
  20. obfuscate the process: 混淆流程
  21. obfuscate the message: 混淆信息
  22. obfuscate the meaning: 混淆含义
  23. obfuscate the outcome: 混淆结果
  24. obfuscate the intention: 混淆意图
  25. obfuscate the logic: 混淆逻辑
  26. obfuscate the language: 混淆语言
  27. obfuscate the situation: 混淆情况
  28. obfuscate the truth: 混淆真相
  29. obfuscate the facts: 混淆事实
  30. obfuscate the understanding: 混淆理解
  31. obfuscate the argument: 混淆论点
  32. obfuscate the concept: 混淆概念
  33. obfuscate the evidence: 混淆证据
  34. obfuscate the reasoning: 混淆推理
  35. obfuscate the details: 混淆细节
  36. obfuscate the identity: 混淆身份
  37. obfuscate the code: 混淆代码
  38. obfuscate the instructions: 混淆指令
  39. obfuscate the process: 混淆流程
  40. obfuscate the message: 混淆信息
  41. obfuscate the meaning: 混淆含义
  42. obfuscate the outcome: 混淆结果
  43. obfuscate the intention: 混淆意图
  44. obfuscate the logic: 混淆逻辑
  45. obfuscate the language: 混淆语言
  46. obfuscate the situation: 混淆情况
  47. obfuscate the truth: 混淆真相
  48. obfuscate the facts: 混淆事实
  49. obfuscate the understanding: 混淆理解
  50. obfuscate the argument: 混淆论点


obfuscate (OB fuss kate) This verb comes from the Latin for “to darken over” and means to make confusing or difficult to understand. One often obfus-cates intentionally in order to hide the truth. The noun form is obfuscation.

•“Do not obfuscate the truth,” Mr. Gekko’s lawyer advised him. “The jury will know when you are trying to cover up your intentions to embezzle money from the company.”

•When Sam’s mother asked him where he was going so late at night, his answer was so full of obfuscation that she was sure he was up to some trouble.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
混淆(OB foss kate)这个动词来自拉丁语,意思是“变暗”,意思是使人困惑或难以理解。一个人经常为了隐藏真相而故意胡搅蛮缠。名词形式是混淆。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
