
obscure (ob SKYUR) This adjective means “so dark as to be barely visi-ble” or “indistinct.” It can also mean “hidden” or “not well-known,” “not easily understood,” or “inconspicuous.” You can use the word to describe a little-known town or author or even a dense piece of writing that’s hard to comprehend. When it’s used as a verb, it means “to make indistinct or dark.” The noun form is “obscurity.”

  • Albert thought the reading assignments in his philosophy class were so obscure that he started a weekly study group so that he could go over the material with his classmates.
  • A solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes into alignment with the sun and obscures it, preventing it from being seen from the earth.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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ob SKYUR)这个形容词的意思是 “暗得几乎看不见 “或 “不清楚”。它也可以表示 “隐藏的 “或 “不知名的”、”不容易理解的 “或 “不显眼的”。你可以用这个词来描述一个鲜为人知的城镇或作者,甚至是一篇难以理解的密集文章。当它作为动词使用时,它的意思是 “使人看不清楚或暗淡”。名词形式是 “晦涩”。


