

  1. obsequious behavior: 奉承的行为
  2. servile and obsequious: 卑躬屈膝
  3. obsequious flattery: 阿谀奉承
  4. obsequious praise: 奉承的赞美
  5. overly obsequious: 过分阿谀
  6. obsequious manners: 巴结的举止
  7. sycophantic and obsequious: 谄媚低下
  8. obsequious gestures: 恭顺的姿态
  9. obsequious attitude: 谄媚的态度
  10. obsequious bow: 恭恭敬敬的鞠躬
  11. unquestioningly obsequious: 毫不犹豫地巴结
  12. obsequious servant: 阿谀奉承的仆人
  13. obsequious follower: 巴结的追随者
  14. obsequious flatterer: 谄媚者
  15. insincerely obsequious: 不真诚地巴结
  16. obsequious sycophant: 奉承者
  17. obsequious behavior: 巴结的行为
  18. obsequious compliance: 奉承的顺从
  19. obsequious toady: 巴结的谄媚者
  20. obsequious devotion: 奉献的顺从


obsequious (ob SEE qwee us) Among the many words to describe falsely humble behavior, this adjective offers the most syllables. Its root word is the Latin verb “to follow,” and the obsequious follow with a vengeance.

Obsequious people get the reward they aim for only if their acting is superb or if the object of their attention is imperceptive or vain enough to believe them.

For lovers of the novels of Charles Dickens, the character Uriah Heep, who talks nonstop about how “’umble he is,” has become almost synonymous with obsequiousness.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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谄媚的(ob SEE qwee us)在描述虚假谦逊行为的众多词汇中,这个形容词提供了最多的音节。它的词根是拉丁语动词“to follow”,而谄媚的follow则是一种报复。
对于查尔斯·狄更斯小说的爱好者来说,乌利亚·希普(Uriah Heep)这个不断谈论“他是多么的可爱”的角色几乎成了谄媚的代名词。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
