I think we’ll have to think it out again!
♪ 就当这儿是自个家 ♪
♪ Consider yourself well in ♪
♪ 当你是这家具的一部分 ♪
♪ Consider yourself part of the furniture ♪
♪ 虽然没多少东西和你分享 ♪
♪ There isn ‘t a lot to spare ♪
♪ 管他呢 ♪
♪ Who cares? ♪
♪ 有什么就分享什么 ♪
♪ Whatever we’ve got we share ♪
♪ 就当自己是我们的好哥们 ♪
♪ Consider yourself our mate ♪
♪ 没什么好大惊小怪的 ♪
♪ We don’t want to have no fuss ♪
♪ 因为我们想过了 ♪
♪ For after some consideration we can state ♪
♪ 当自己是 ♪
♪ Consider yourself ♪
♪ 当自己是 ♪
♪ Consider yourself ♪
♪ 当自己是我们的一分子 ♪
♪ Consider yourself one of us ♪