Wang Zhihuan Poem: Out of the Great Wall – 王之涣《凉州词》

Wang Zhihuan – 王之涣








[1] 凉州词:凉州歌的唱词,不是诗题,是盛唐时流行的一种曲调名。开元年间,陇右节度使郭知运搜集了一批称西域的曲谱,进献给唐玄宗。玄宗交给教坊翻成中国曲谱,并配上新的歌词演唱,以这些曲谱产生地的名称为曲调名。后来许多诗人都喜欢这个曲调,为它填写新词,因此唐代许多诗人都写有《凉州词》。“凉州词”又作“出塞”。

[2] 万仞:一仞八尺。万仞是形容山很高的意思。

[3] 羌笛:古代羌人所制的一种管乐器。有二孔。

[4] 杨柳:指《折杨柳曲》,是一种哀怨的曲调。

[5] 玉门关:关名,在今甘肃省敦煌县西南,是古代通往西域的要道。

Wang Zhihuan – 王之涣

Out of the Great Wall

Wang Zhihuan

The Yellow River rises to the white cloud;

The lonely town is lost amid the mountains proud.

Why should the Mongol flute complain no willow grow?

Beyond the Gate of Jade no vernal wind will blow.

This quatrain describes a desolate scene out of the Gate of Jade, a part of the Great Wall.

Wang Zhihuan – 王之涣


Two Poems of Liangzhou Lyrics” is a group poetic work by Wang Zhilan, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The first poem depicts the special feeling of the distant view of the Yellow River from a special perspective, and also shows the magnificent and desolate scenery of the border area, which is mournful and desolate and exudes a generous atmosphere. The second poem reflects the relationship between the Tang Dynasty and the foreigners in the north, in which a northern Hu leader comes to the Tang Dynasty to ask for peace but fails to do so.
