incendiary 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语
incendiary device: 纵火装置 incendiary rhetoric: 煽动性言辞 incendiary speech: 煽动性演讲 incendiary remarks: 煽动性言论 incendiary behavio...
incendiary device: 纵火装置 incendiary rhetoric: 煽动性言辞 incendiary speech: 煽动性演讲 incendiary remarks: 煽动性言论 incendiary behavio...
surreptitious behavior: 鬼鬼祟祟的行为 surreptitious glance: 偷偷的一瞥 surreptitious entry: 隐秘的进入 surreptitious recording: 秘密录音 sur...
clandestine activities: 秘密活动 clandestine operation: 秘密行动 clandestine meeting: 秘密会议 clandestine affair: 秘密关系 clandestine ...
resort to subterfuge: 诉诸欺骗手段 employ subterfuge: 使用欺骗手段 detect subterfuge: 察觉欺骗手段 uncover subterfuge: 揭露欺骗手段 employ subtl...
finagle a deal: 以巧妙手段达成交易 finagle an invitation: 设法获得邀请 finagle a promotion: 巧妙争取升职 finagle a favor: 巧妙地争取帮助 finagle a s...
jaded outlook: 对生活持悲观态度 jaded senses: 疲惫不堪的感官 jaded taste: 饱经沧桑的品味 jaded mind: 疲惫不堪的思绪 jaded spirit: 疲惫不振的精神 jaded heart...
temporize (v.) – to avoid making a decision or committing oneself; to act evasively or delay taking action. tempor...
loud-mouthed fishwife: 大嗓门的泼妇 scolding fishwife: 喋喋不休的泼妇 vulgar fishwife: 粗俗的泼妇 foul-mouthed fishwife: 口出恶言的泼妇 quarrelso...
chronic philanderer: 惯常调情者 serial philanderer: 连续不断的调情者 notorious philanderer: 臭名昭著的调情者 reformed philanderer: 改过自新的调情者 c...
clever ruse: 巧妙策略 deceptive ruse: 欺骗手段 sly ruse: 狡猾计策 crafty ruse: 狡猾伎俩 ingenious ruse: 精巧计谋 ploy and ruse: 策略和伎俩 tactic...