badinage 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语
Engage in badinage: 参与调侃 Witty badinage: 机智的打趣 Light-hearted badinage: 轻松愉快的玩笑 Exchange playful badinage: 交换俏皮话 Quick-wi...
Engage in badinage: 参与调侃 Witty badinage: 机智的打趣 Light-hearted badinage: 轻松愉快的玩笑 Exchange playful badinage: 交换俏皮话 Quick-wi...
Feeling somnolent: 感到昏昏欲睡 Somnolent state: 昏昏欲睡的状态 Somnolent atmosphere: 昏昏欲睡的氛围 Somnolent afternoon: 昏昏欲睡的下午 Somnolent ...
Torpid state (迟钝的状态) Torpid mind (迟钝的思维) Torpid body (迟钝的身体) Torpid metabolism (迟缓的新陈代谢) Torpid winter (冬眠的季节) Torpid re...
Cast a pall: 投下阴影 Pall of gloom: 阴霾的氛围 Shroud of pall: 用遮盖物掩盖 Pall of sadness: 悲伤的气氛 Lift the pall: 消除阴影 Pall of smoke: ...
Otiose effort (无效的努力) Otiose task (无用的任务) Otiose argument (无益的争论) Otiose endeavor (徒劳的努力) Otiose pursuit (无意义的追求) Otiose...
Overwhelming lassitude (压倒性的疲惫) Chronic lassitude (慢性疲劳) Mental lassitude (精神疲劳) Physical lassitude (身体疲惫) Extreme lassi...
Feeling enervated: 感到无力 Physically enervated: 身体无力 Emotionally enervated: 情绪低落 Enervated state: 疲惫状态 Enervated body: 虚弱的...
Ballistic missile (弹道导弹) Ballistic trajectory (弹道轨迹) Ballistic vest (防弹背心) Ballistic protection (防弹保护) Ballistic armor (...
Sense of ennui: 倦怠感 Boredom and ennui: 无聊和厌倦 Existential ennui: 存在的倦怠 Overcome ennui: 克服倦怠 Feelings of ennui: 厌倦的情绪 Eter...
Military ordnance (军事武器) Explosive ordnance (爆炸物品) Ordnance disposal (军械处置) Naval ordnance (海军军械) Ordnance survey (地形测量)...