

  1. Social pariah: 社会贱民
  2. Outcast and pariah: 被遗弃者和贱民
  3. Political pariah: 政治贱民
  4. Cultural pariah: 文化贱民
  5. pariah status: 贱民地位
  6. pariah community: 贱民社区
  7. pariah identity: 贱民身份
  8. pariah reputation: 贱民声誉
  9. pariah behavior: 贱民行为
  10. pariah syndrome: 贱民综合症
  11. Economic pariah: 经济贱民
  12. pariah state: 贱民国家
  13. pariah group: 贱民团体
  14. Socially marginalized pariah: 社会边缘化的贱民
  15. pariah caste: 贱民种姓
  16. pariah label: 贱民标签
  17. pariah status quo: 贱民现状
  18. pariah treatment: 贱民待遇
  19. pariah existence: 贱民存在
  20. pariah discrimination: 贱民歧视
  21. pariah background: 贱民背景
  22. pariah community: 贱民群体
  23. pariah mentality: 贱民心态
  24. pariah image: 贱民形象
  25. pariah family: 贱民家庭
  26. pariah neighborhood: 贱民社区
  27. pariah position: 贱民地位
  28. pariah politics: 贱民政治
  29. pariah culture: 贱民文化
  30. pariah syndrome: 贱民综合症
  31. pariah status: 贱民身份
  32. pariah stigma: 贱民耻辱
  33. pariah community: 贱民社区
  34. pariah behavior: 贱民行为
  35. pariah label: 贱民标签
  36. pariah reputation: 贱民声誉
  37. pariah exclusion: 贱民排斥
  38. pariah isolation: 贱民孤立
  39. pariah role: 贱民角色
  40. pariah status quo: 贱民现状
  41. pariah treatment: 贱民待遇
  42. pariah existence: 贱民存在
  43. pariah discrimination: 贱民歧视
  44. pariah background: 贱民背景
  45. pariah community: 贱民社区
  46. pariah mentality: 贱民心态
  47. pariah image: 贱民形象
  48. pariah family: 贱民家庭
  49. pariah neighborhood: 贱民社区
  50. pariah position: 贱民地位


pariah (puh RYE uh) This noun refers to a social outcast, someone not accepted in his or her society. The word comes into English from Tamil, a language of southern India, where it refers more specifically to an “Untouchable,” a member of the lowest caste.

•Mark Twain calls Huckleberry Finn the “juvenile pariah of the village.”

•After Aaron reported Matt’s misdoings to a teacher, he was treated like a pariah by classmates who felt “ratting someone out” was the worst pos-sible offense.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
pariah(puh RYE uh)这个名词指的是一个社会弃儿,一个在他或她的社会中不被接受的人。这个词来自印度南部的泰米尔语,在英语中,它更具体地指的是“贱民”,即最低种姓的成员。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
