

  1. deeply perturbed: 深感不安的
  2. slightly perturbed: 稍感不安的
  3. visibly perturbed: 明显不安的
  4. seriously perturbed: 严重不安的
  5. greatly perturbed: 非常不安的
  6. emotionally perturbed: 情绪不安的
  7. mentally perturbed: 心理不安的
  8. profoundly perturbed: 深感不安的
  9. socially perturbed: 社交不安的
  10. spiritually perturbed: 精神上不安的
  11. perpetually perturbed: 持续不安的
  12. initially perturbed: 最初不安的
  13. externally perturbed: 外部不安的
  14. internally perturbed: 内部不安的
  15. chronically perturbed: 长期不安的
  16. suddenly perturbed: 突然不安的
  17. deeply perturbed: 深感不安的
  18. slightly perturbed: 稍感不安的
  19. visibly perturbed: 明显不安的
  20. seriously perturbed: 严重不安的
  21. greatly perturbed: 非常不安的
  22. emotionally perturbed: 情绪不安的
  23. mentally perturbed: 心理不安的
  24. profoundly perturbed: 深感不安的
  25. socially perturbed: 社交不安的
  26. spiritually perturbed: 精神上不安的
  27. perpetually perturbed: 持续不安的
  28. initially perturbed: 最初不安的
  29. externally perturbed: 外部不安的
  30. internally perturbed: 内部不安的
  31. chronically perturbed: 长期不安的
  32. suddenly perturbed: 突然不安的
  33. deeply perturbed: 深感不安的
  34. slightly perturbed: 稍感不安的
  35. visibly perturbed: 明显不安的
  36. seriously perturbed: 严重不安的
  37. greatly perturbed: 非常不安的
  38. emotionally perturbed: 情绪不安的
  39. mentally perturbed: 心理不安的
  40. profoundly perturbed: 深感不安的
  41. socially perturbed: 社交不安的
  42. spiritually perturbed: 精神上不安的
  43. perpetually perturbed: 持续不安的
  44. initially perturbed: 最初不安的
  45. externally perturbed: 外部不安的
  46. internally perturbed: 内部不安的
  47. chronically perturbed: 长期不安的
  48. suddenly perturbed: 突然不安的
  49. deeply perturbed: 深感不安的
  50. slightly perturbed: 稍感不安的



perturbed (per TURBD) From the Latin for “to throw into disorder,” this adjective means both “to throw into confusion” or “to be anxious, agi-tated, or confused.” Something can be a force of perturbation (the noun form) or someone might be perturbed by coming across something that is convoluted.

•The researchers were perturbed by the results of the experiments. They could not explain why rats found their way through the maze more easily than humans.

•The heat outside in the park perturbed Mr. Olmstead. It was January in New York, and he expected it to be another cold and wintry day.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
