

  1. chronic philanderer: 惯常调情者
  2. serial philanderer: 连续不断的调情者
  3. notorious philanderer: 臭名昭著的调情者
  4. reformed philanderer: 改过自新的调情者
  5. compulsive philanderer: 强迫性调情者
  6. flamboyant philanderer: 引人注目的调情者
  7. unrepentant philanderer: 不知悔改的调情者
  8. seasoned philanderer: 经验丰富的调情者
  9. smooth-talking philanderer: 善辩的调情者
  10. charming philanderer: 迷人的调情者
  11. sly philanderer: 狡猾的调情者
  12. casual philanderer: 随便调情的人
  13. famous philanderer: 有名的调情者
  14. noted philanderer: 著名的调情者
  15. notorious womanizer: 臭名昭著的花花公子
  16. ruthless philanderer: 无情的调情者
  17. experienced philanderer: 经验丰富的调情者
  18. habitual philanderer: 习惯性调情者
  19. serial womanizer: 连续不断的花花公子
  20. impenitent philanderer: 不悔改的调情者


philanderer (fil AND der er) This noun describes a male flirt, that is, a man who carries on many love affairs with women that he does not take seriously. Most philanderers engage in extramarital affairs with women they have no intention of marrying. The word actually comes from the Greek for “lover of men.” The adjective form is “philandering.”

All of Hortense’s friends knew that her husband was a philanderer but no one could talk her into divorcing him; she loved him, no matter how many times he was unfaithful to her.

When Nancy threatened to leave him, Marco promised to stop his philandering ways and remain faithful to her; he was ashamed of his uncontrollable habit of flirting.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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调情者(fil AND der er)这个名词描述了一个男性调情者,也就是说,一个男人与女人发生了很多他并不认真的恋爱。大多数拈花惹草者与他们无意结婚的女人发生婚外情。这个词实际上来自希腊语,意思是“男人的情人”。形容词的形式是“调情”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
