
pithy 英 [ˈpɪθi] 美 [ˈpɪθi]



[adjective] (of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive
[形容词] (指语言或风格)简洁且表达有力的


Pithy 是一个由名词 pith (木髓、树心;柑橘类水果的衬皮;核心)+形容词后缀 -y 衍生而来的单词,字面意思即指“多髓的”以及“柑橘类水果衬皮厚的”,比如:

  • 一个衬皮厚的橙子
    a pithy orange

从“多髓的”这个概念出发,现在更为常见的是用 pithy 引申形容言语或写作“简洁有力的、简洁扼要的、简洁精炼的、言简意赅的”,常意味着不仅简明扼要,而且富有实质和意义,因而特别具有说服力或效力,比如:

  • 精炼的对白
    pithy dialogue
  • 言简意赅的评论
    a pithy remark


They could always talk; and their discourse, witty, pithy, original, had such charms for me, that I preferred listening to, and sharing in it, to doing anything else.

出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


That pithy motto was coined by Leo Durocher, a baseball manager noted for exulting at injuring his opponents and for cheating his players at cards.
A pithy turn of phrase or a striking metaphor can all too easily turn into a headline, causing big market moves and a public backlash.


  1. pithy remark: 简洁的话语
  2. pithy saying: 简练的格言
  3. pithy quote: 简明的引语
  4. pithy advice: 简要的建议
  5. pithy statement: 简短的陈述
  6. pithy summary: 简洁的总结
  7. pithy comment: 简明的评论
  8. pithy response: 简练的回答
  9. pithy expression: 简洁的表达
  10. pithy prose: 简练的散文
  11. pithy verse: 简洁的诗句
  12. pithy writing: 简练的写作
  13. pithy speech: 简明的演讲
  14. pithy passage: 简短的段落
  15. pithy aphorism: 简练的格言
  16. pithy declaration: 简洁的宣言
  17. pithy response: 简明的回应
  18. pithy observation: 简要的观察
  19. pithy insight: 简洁的洞察
  20. pithy conclusion: 简明的结论
  21. pithy analysis: 简洁的分析
  22. pithy description: 简要的描述
  23. pithy interpretation: 简明的解释
  24. pithy example: 简练的例子
  25. pithy metaphor: 简洁的隐喻
  26. pithy analogy: 简明的类比
  27. pithy illustration: 简要的说明
  28. pithy critique: 简练的批评
  29. pithy exposition: 简洁的阐述
  30. pithy reflection: 简明的反思
  31. pithy narrative: 简洁的叙述
  32. pithy dialogue: 简练的对话
  33. pithy account: 简要的叙述
  34. pithy anecdote: 简洁的轶事
  35. pithy reminder: 简明的提醒
  36. pithy lesson: 简练的教训
  37. pithy warning: 简洁的警告
  38. pithy guidance: 简明的指导
  39. pithy instruction: 简洁的指令
  40. pithy suggestion: 简练的建议
  41. pithy encouragement: 简要的鼓励
  42. pithy inspiration: 简洁的启示
  43. pithy motivation: 简明的动力
  44. pithy resolution: 简练的决心
  45. pithy reflection: 简洁的反思
  46. pithy wisdom: 简明的智慧
  47. pithy philosophy: 简练的哲理
  48. pithy maxim: 简洁的格言
  49. pithy lesson: 简明的教训
  50. pithy insight: 简要的洞察


pithy (PITH ee) This is another word of compliment for a style of word use that is both brief and forceful; it can be regarding a writer or a speaker. It derives from the less-used noun “pith,” which means “essence.”

•Although Shakespeare’s character Polonius tells us that “Brevity is the soul of wit,” his own style of speaking is far from pithy.

•Robert Frost’s poems often feature a rural speaker given to pithy utterances such as, “Good fences make good neighbors.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
pithy (PITH ee) 这是对一种既简短又有力的用词风格的另一种恭维;它可以是关于作家或演讲者的。它来源于不太常用的名词“pith”,意思是“精华”
•罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)的诗歌中经常出现一位乡村演说家的精辟话语,比如“好篱笆造就好邻居”


laconic: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words
succinct: (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed
concise: giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
