Ye Shaoweng Poem: A Closed Garden – 叶绍翁《游园不值》








[1] 不值:没有遇到主人。

[2] 叶绍翁:南宋末年诗人,这首诗是他的名作,而第三句则名诗中的名句。《千家诗》注说:“屐齿踏破苍苔之印,扣柴扉而屡次不开,玉人不在而空返。园虽关而春色难关,一枝红杏露出园墙之外也。”这是诗人本意。但也可以理解为开玩笑,说满园春色不让人欣赏,但美是关不住的,红杏自己就伸出墙外来了。这两句诗经常被人引用,构成了传统文化的一部分。

[3] 嫌:嫌恶,讨厌。一作“怜”。

[4] 屐齿:木屐的木齿。

[5] 苍苔:苍翠的苔藓。

[6] 小扣柴扉久不开:轻轻地敲柴门,久久没有人来开。

A Closed Garden

Ye Shaoweng

Can you let me leave footprints long in your green moss?

Your gate won’t open at my knock, I’m at a loss.

You’ve shut your garden up, but spring answers my call,

A branch of apricot stretches over the wall.


The poem “A Closed Garden” is a poem by Ye Shaoweng, a poet of the Song Dynasty. This poem is about what the poet saw and felt when he visited the garden in spring: firstly, the poet visited the garden to see the flowers but could not enter the garden gate, and his feelings changed from anticipation to disappointment and regret; later, he saw a red apricot sticking out of the wall and then appreciated the fullness of spring in the garden, and his feelings changed from disappointment to unexpected surprise. The whole poem is written in a very twisted and layered way, very imaginative and interesting, especially the third and fourth lines, which not only render the rich spring colors but also reveal the profound philosophy, reflecting the characteristics of small scenery but deep meaning, which makes the scene blend and popular.
