Geng Wei Poem: A Lonely Autumn Day – 耿湋《秋日》








[1] 耿湋:公元762年进士,大历十才子之一。《千家诗》注说:“山居寂寞之作也。言夕阳返照于门巷之中,则此日已暮。忧从中来,不可解结。有谁相与共话而暂为消释哉!匪惟无人共话,而夕阳古道之中,且无行人焉。惟有西风萧瑟,吹动田园之禾黍而已。”这首诗用夕阳秋风、古道空巷之景,写出了难解的孤寂之情。

[2] 返照:夕阳的余晖。

[3] 闾巷:街巷,此处特指巷口的大门。

[4] 语:说话,交谈。

[5] 禾黍:泛指庄稼。

A Lonely Autumn Day

Geng Wei

O’er the lane slants the sun;

I’m grieved but can tell none.

None goes on ancient way;

In west wind corn fields sway.


“A Lonely Autumn Day” is a poem written by Geng Hui, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, expressing his sentimental feelings. The poem depicts the silent and desolate scenery of an autumn evening and expresses the sadness of having no one to “talk” with. The first two stanzas depict the bleak autumn evening scene, rendering the author’s sadness; the second two stanzas shift from the near scene to the distant one, expressing the melancholy feeling of past prosperity and present decline through the “sorrow of millet leaving”. The whole poem is written in simple and natural language, starting with static scenery and ending with dynamic scenery, during which the scenery is followed by emotions, and the emotions by scenery, and the emotions by scenery. The poem is written in such a way that the poem is meaningful and timeless.
