Zhao Shixiu Poem: A Promise Unkept – 赵师秀《有约》








[1] 赵师秀:公元1190年进士。《千家诗》注说:“立夏后数日为入梅,故曰黄梅。梅天多雨,家家雨,言友人皆闭户而不出也。处处蛙,言池塘之中蛙声聒耳也。约友朋夜话以消岑寂,又因雨阻而不来。闲坐不胜其闷,灯下敲棋而灯花落尽也。”这首诗写出了诗人在夏日雨夜消愁解闷的情景。

[2] 黄梅时节:梅雨季节。

[3] 家家雨:指家家户户被梅雨所封阻。

[4] 灯花:灯芯久燃而结成的花形灰烬。

A Promise Unkept

Zhao Shixiu

In rainy season house on house is steeped in rain;

On poolside meadow here and there frogs croak in vain.

My friend’s not kept his word to come, now it’s midnight.

What can I do but play chess alone by lamplight?


“A Promise Unkept” is a poem composed by Zhao Shixiu in the Song Dynasty. The first two lines of the poem are typical of the countryside during the rainy season. The third and fourth lines describe the boredom of the host who waits for a long time for his guest to arrive, and the scene is realistic. This is a special “show” poem of Zhao Shixiu. The poem is about the poet’s lonely expectation of a guest on a stormy summer night. The poem expresses the poet’s complex thoughts and feelings by using the style of writing scenes and sending emotions. It is a subtle poem with a blend of scenes, fresh and timeless, and intriguing.
