Zhu Shuzhen Poem: Fallen Flowers – 朱淑贞《落花》








[1] 朱淑贞:宋代有名的女诗人。《千家诗》注说:“连理枝,双树并生而根连一本。青帝,东皇之神,司三春之令者。纷纷,花落也。花正开而芳姿艳丽于连理枝头,如少年夫妇燕婉和谐也。开而遇风雨之相摧,百花摇落,如夫妇不幸中道仳离乖阻也。安得青帝常主四时,使连理花常开并蒂,而无风雨纷纷之摇落矣。”这首诗写的是落花,象征的却是少年夫妇,是一首借景写情的象征诗。

[2] 连理枝:连在一起的两根枝条,多比喻恩爱的夫妻。

[3] 妒:嫉妒。

[4] 摧:摧残。

[5] 青帝:掌管春天的神。

[6] 主:主管,主宰。

[7] 点:落。

Fallen Flowers

Zhu Shuzhen

Flowers are blooming on entwined branches by the wall,

But jealous wind and rain would hasten them to fall.

If the Vernal God should reign as the floral boss,

Let no petals fall in showers over green moss!


Falling Flowers” is a seven-line poem written by Zhu Shuzhen, a poetess of the Southern Song Dynasty. The poem is a direct expression of her feelings for flowers and uses them to express her indignation at the injustice in the world and her call for beauty. The first two stanzas are about the evil force of the rain and wind attacking the flowers, which are symbols of beauty; the second two stanzas are about calling on the Emperor to do something about the falling flowers and not to let the wind and rain bully them, implying the poet’s call for happiness and beauty on earth. The poem is written with subtlety and deep emotion.
