Liu Yuxi Poem: Song of the Autumn Breeze– 刘禹锡《秋风引》








[1] 《千家诗》注说:“梦得客邸伤秋之诗也。言秋风何来乎,但见逐群雁而南飞,则知西北凄凉之风也。朝来飒飒而吹庭树,人皆闻之,惟孤客不寐,方其中宵,透帘帏而响林树,则吾已闻之久矣。”诗人借秋风之起,写孤独之情。借雁群南飞,庭树萧瑟,衬托自己凄楚之心。是一首情景交融的小诗。

[2] 萧萧:形容秋风吹来的声音。

[3] 朝:早晨。

[4] 庭树:庭院中的树木。

[5] 孤客:孤独的旅客。

Song of the Autumn Breeze

Liu Yuxi

O from where comes the autumn breeze?

It sends wild geese off sad and drear.

At dawn it enters courtyard trees;

A lonely man’s the first to hear.



The poem “Song of the Autumn Breeze” is a poem by Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. The first two lines are about the arrival of the autumn breeze and the arrival of geese from the south; the second two lines are about the wind blowing in the garden tree and the lonely guest hearing it first. On the surface, the poem is about the autumn breeze, but in reality it is a lament about his own situation, expressing the poet’s feelings of loneliness and homesickness. The beauty of the poem lies in the fact that it is not written in a positive way, but only about the autumn wind, while the ending lines are twisted and implied.
