Yang Pu Poem: The Double Seventh Eve– 杨朴《七夕》








[1] 七夕:节日名,农历七月初七晚。神话传说中的牛郎织女于此夜在天河相会。

[2] 杨朴:宋朝隐士。这是一首讽喻诗,说妇女在七夕穿针引线,乞求手艺灵巧,不知道世界上花言巧语、弄虚作假的人已经太多了。

[3] 未会:不明白。

[4] 牵牛:牵牛星,即神话传说中织女的丈夫牛郎。

[5] 若何:如何。

[6] 须:总要。

[7] 织女:织女星。

[8] 弄金梭:用金梭织锦。

[9] 乞与人间巧:古代风俗,女子于七夕陈设瓜果祭祀,向织女乞讨智巧灵气。

[10] 巧:此处指人的投机取巧,暗含贬义。

The Double Seventh Eve

Yang Pu

I do not know what has the Cowherd in his heart.

Why should he ask his Maid to weave a work of art?

From year to year the artful world asks to be clever;

The clever will do good, but the artful will never.


“The Double Seventh Eve” is a seven-line poem written by Yang Pu, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty. The first two lines of this poem are about begging for a coincidence. The first two lines are about the people who did not understand the wishes of the cowherd; the second line is about the people who must have invited the weaving maids to teach them the skills of weaving the golden shuttle. In the second two lines, the weaving maids give the weaving maids the opportunity to beg for their skills, not knowing that there are already many tricks on earth. The author’s cynicism in the poem is appropriate, clever and profound, the language is concise and simple, and the poem is thoughtful, concise and interesting.
