Du Mu Poem: The Red Cliff – 杜牧《赤壁》








[1] 赤壁:赤壁山,在今湖北蒲圻市西北,在长江南岸。《元和郡县志》记载:“鄂州蒲圻县赤壁山,在县西一百二十里,北临大江,其北岸即乌林,与赤壁相对,即周瑜用黄盖策,焚曹公舟船败走处。”三国时的孙权、周瑜在这里用火攻大败曹操,取得赤壁之战的胜利,之后形成魏、蜀、吴三国鼎立的局面。

[2] 戟:古代的一种武器,在长杆的一端装有青铜或铁制成的枪尖,旁边附有月牙彤锋刃。

[3] 未销:一作“半销”。销,腐蚀。

[4] 前朝:历史上的朝代,这里指三国时期。

[5] 铜雀:指铜雀台,汉末建安十五年由曹操建造,故址在今河北省临漳县西南。铜雀台高十丈,周围殿屋一百二十问。于楼顶置大铜雀,舒翼若飞,故名铜雀台。

[6] 二乔:三国时东吴乔公的两个女儿:其长者名大乔,嫁给了孙权之兄孙策;幼者名小乔,嫁给了东吴大将周瑜。

The Red Cliff

Du Mu

We dig out broken halberds buried in the sand

And wash and rub these relics of an ancient war.

Had the east wind refused General Zhou a helping hand,

His foe’d have locked his fair wife on Northern shore.

The Red Cliff was a scene of battle in 208 when General Zhou defeated the Northern enemy by setting their warships on fire with the help of the east wind.


“The Red Cliff” is a seven-word poem written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poet is inspired by objects and chants history, pointing out that the Battle of Red Cliff is related to the survival of the country and the security of the country; at the same time, he alludes to the fact that he is not relied upon for his great ambition, and sees the big picture in a small way.
